Description: LIST Authority Land is a subset of the LIST Cadastral Parcels layer. It portrays parcels of land owned, vested or managed by a Commonwealth, State or Local Government Authority or GBE. Categories include Housing Tasmania, Hydro Tasmania, Councils, Education, Forestry Tasmania, TAS Water, Defense etc. Authority Land attributes are the same as for LIST Cadastral parcels and include the authority name, title reference and property identifier (PID). Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: The Crown Leases data set holds spatial areas of land under a current lease from the Crown within the State of Tasmania. These Crown Leases are administered by the Crown Land Services Branch of the Department of Primary Industries Parks, Water and Environment. They are for a fixed term and provide exclusive possession of Crown Land. Crown Leases are a layer of the LIST Cadastral Area. Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: The LIST Crown Licences data set holds spatial areas of land under a current licence from the Crown within the State of Tasmania. Crown Licences are administered by the Crown Land Services Branch of the Department of Primary Industries, Parks Water and Environment. Licences are normally renewed annually but access licences may be for a fixed term. Licences do not give exclusive possession of Crown Land. LIST Crown Licences are a layer of the LIST Cadastral Area. Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: The LIST Local Government Areas data set depicts gazetted Local Government Boundaries for the 29 Municipalities in the State of Tasmania. These were proclaimed in 1993. Since then there has only been a couple of very minor adjustments to these boundaries to conform to gazetted amendments. Local Government Boundaries legally extend to Low Water Mark and include offshore rocks and islands adjacent to the coastline, irrespective of where the digital boundary may portray. Attributes include Local Government Area name, three-digit Municipal (LGA) code and Central Plan Register (CPR) plan reference number. Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: The LIST Public Land Classification dataset is the authoritative source for information on Tasmania's Crown Land Reserves. This layer includes all reserves proclaimed under the Nature Conservation Act 2002, the Forest Management Act 2013 and the Crown Lands Act 1976. Reserve categories are: Conservation Area, Game Reserve, Historic Site, National Park, Nature Recreation Area, Nature Reserve, Regional Reserve, State Reserve, Public Reserve, and Permanent Timber Production Zone Land. Note: The Forestry Act 1920 has been repealed and replaced with The Forest Management Act 2013. State Forest under the repealed Act is now called Permanent Timber Production Zone Land. Land dedicated as Forest Reserve under the repealed Act has ceased to be Forest Reserve. The majority of former Forest Reserves are now reserved under the Nature Conservation Act. This dataset has been derived from The LIST Cadastral Area and these reserves will overlap the Authority Land parcels forming part of the Cadastral Parcels dataset. Attributes include: Reserve Category, the Name of the reserve if an approved name has been assigned, the Plan reference and proclamation details of the reserve. Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: LIST Authority Land is a subset of the LIST Cadastral Parcels layer. It portrays parcels of land owned, vested or managed by a Commonwealth, State or Local Government Authority or GBE. Categories include Housing Tasmania, Hydro Tasmania, Councils, Education, Forestry Tasmania, TAS Water, Defense etc. Authority Land attributes are the same as for LIST Cadastral parcels and include the authority name, title reference and property identifier (PID). Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: The Locality and Postcode Areas dataset depicts the authoritative boundaries and names of localities and suburbs for addressing and location purposes. Locality Boundaries generally extend to High Water Mark and may not include uninhabitable offshore rocks and small islands. Larger named islands which are not included in this dataset will, if required for addressing or location purposes, use the official island feature name as the locality. Attributes include:The approved locality name (NAME);The Postal Code assigned by Australia Post for a locality (POSTCODE);The plan reference of the Central Plans Office plan that defined the initial locality (PLAN_REF);The Gazettal date for the proclamation first proclaiming the locality (GAZ_DATE)The Nomenclature Board of Tasmania has approved the Locality Boundaries and names, and Postcodes have been assigned by Australia Post. Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: Water Management Regions contains the 48 Water Catchment polygons that the 8 Water Management Regions are divided into. These Water Catchments are attributed with their catchment name and number, and the number of the Water Management Region that they form part of, and the CPR plan number. Water Management Regions support the administration of the Water Management Act 1999. The boundaries of the Water Management Regions are portrayed on Water Management Regulations 2000 Index Plan, CPR 5278. This index plan provides a reference to separate detail plans registered in the Central Plan Register for each Water Management Region. Catchment boundaries extend to High Water mark and generally follow watersheds. Water Management Regions are not intended to portray Tasmania's Water Catchment areas. Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: The LIST Legislative Council Divisions data set contains boundaries of the 15 Electoral Divisions for the Legislative Council (Upper House) within the State of Tasmania. The boundaries of the current divisions were determined by the Legislative Council Redistribution Tribunal on 10 May 2008. Legislative Council Divisions polygon attributes include:Polygon Persistent Identifier (LEG_CNL_ID)Full name for a Legislative Council Division (NAME)The Central Plan Office number of the plan defining the boundary (PLAN)The Redistribution Date (COMMENTS) Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: The Electoral Divisions data set contains boundaries of the 5 Commonwealth (House of Representatives) and State (House of Assembly) Electorates (Bass, Braddon, Denison, Franklin and Lyons) within the State of Tasmania. Areas are attributed with their Electoral name. Electoral Divisions polygon attributes include:Polygon Persistent Identifier (ELECTOR_ID)Full name for a Electoral Division (NAME)The Central Plan Office number of the plan defining the boundary (PLAN_REF)The Redistribution Date (COMMENTS) Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: Boundaries of Private Timber Reserves. Private Timber Reserves are declared under the Tasmanian Forest Practices Act 1985. As a Private Timber Reserve the land is to be used only for the establishing, or growing or harvesting of timber in accordance with the Forest Practices Code and such activities as the Forest Practices Board considers compatible with establishing forest, or growing or harvesting timber. An area of land is declared a Private Timber Reserve by notice in the Tasmanian Government Gazette. The status of the land, as a Private Timber Reserve, is then registered on the land title. The registration remains with the title, irrespective of subsequent land sales, unless revoked in part or full by the current titleholder or by the Forest Practices Board. Items include a reference number.
Description: The LIST Private Reserves includes Private Nature Reserves, Private Sanctuaries and Conservation Covenants proclaimed and/or registered pursuant to the Nature Conservation Act 2002. The Private Land Conservation Program (PLCP) encompasses a number of programs to promote and facilitate conservation agreements between private landowners and the Government. These programs establish a covenant on the Folio of the Register and a management agreement with the landowner to establish a system of forest reserves on private land. The LIST Private Reserves data set contains the spatial locations of these areas which are attributed with the category type (for Private Sanctuaries or Private Nature Reserves) or the Covenant Type (for Conservation Covenants). Other attributes include the CPR plan number, proclamation details and/or a file reference. LIST Private Reserves are a layer of The LIST Cadastral Area. Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: The Marine Nature Reserve dataset includes areas of Tasmanian State Waters that have been defined as Marine Nature Reserves by the Tasmanian Fisheries Rules 1999. Where part of the Reserve allows restricted fishing, a separate region is created for that part with a note in the Comment field of "Restricted Take". All other Marine Nature Reserves prohibit fishing. Refer to Fisheries Rules 1999 (SR158 of 1999) for details. The Marine Nature Reserves contained within this dataset are:Governor Island Marine Nature Reserve, Maria Island Marine Nature Reserve, Ninepin Point Marine Nature Reserve, Tinderbox Marine Nature Reserve, Kent Group Marine Nature Reserve, Port Davey/Bathurst Harbour Marine Nature Reserve. Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: The Marine Farm Leases dataset holds the spatial areas of land registered as a Marine Farm Lease from the Crown within the State of Tasmania. Marine Farm Leases are issued under the Marine Farming Planning Act 1995 for a period of 30 years. The lease describes the area in which marine farming activities are permitted to take place in accordance with the Act. The lease boundary is described on a survey plan registered in the Central Plan Register, as determined by the the Minister and added as an attachment to the lease document (PLAN_REF). The LIST Marine Farm Leases data set is maintained by Land Tasmania upon advice received by the Marine Farming Branch, DPIPWE. The Marine Farming Branch maintain Marine Farm Lease details which are recorded against the Marine Farm Lease Number (M_LEASE_NO). Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: The LIST Land District Boundaries data set contains those 20 Land Districts that divide Tasmania into administrative areas used when defining the granting and derivation of land. Land Districts were formerly known as Counties. A Land District may contain a number of Parishes with those Parish boundaries forming the Land District boundary. Land Districts may still be referred to on Land Titles relating to the derivation of the land. Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: The LIST Land Parish Boundaries data set contains those 480 administrative divisions of Land Districts (formerly known as Counties). A number of Parishes combine to form a Land District. Parishes have historically, and are still, being used together in conjunction with Land Districts when describing the location of a Grant. This dataset has been compiled from historic sources and has not been verified. It is not authoritative. Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: The LIST Private Reserves includes Private Nature Reserves, Private Sanctuaries and Conservation Covenants proclaimed and/or registered pursuant to the Nature Conservation Act 2002. The Private Land Conservation Program (PLCP) encompasses a number of programs to promote and facilitate conservation agreements between private landowners and the Government. These programs establish a covenant on the Folio of the Register and a management agreement with the landowner to establish a system of forest reserves on private land. The LIST Private Reserves data set contains the spatial locations of these areas which are attributed with the category type (for Private Sanctuaries or Private Nature Reserves) or the Covenant Type (for Conservation Covenants). Other attributes include the CPR plan number, proclamation details and/or a file reference. LIST Private Reserves are a layer of The LIST Cadastral Area. Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: The Tasmanian Reserve Estate dataset is a digital map of the Reserve System for Tasmania. It represents land reserved to be managed for biodiversity conservation under Tasmania’s Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) and other instruments. The layer combines data from several sources:-LIST Public Land Classification [ANZTA0005000047] -Wellington Park -LIST Private Reserves [ANZTA0005000004] -Protection Zones from Forestry Tasmania’s 1:25 000 Management Decision Classification (MDC) series -Land purchased by Private Land Conservation Program (PLCP) for conservation of CAR values not yet proclaimed-Indigenous Protected Areas-Informal Reserves on public land identified during the Regional Forestry Agreement (RFA) (supplied by Forestry Tasmania)-Other private reserves that have been set aside under independently certified forest management systems
Value: Informal Reserve on Permanent Timber Production Zone Land or STT managed land Label: Informal Reserve on Permanent Timber Production Zone Land or STT managed land Description: Symbol:
Description: The Convention on Wetlands, signed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971, is an intergovernmental treaty which provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources. It is commonly referred to as the Ramsar Convention. The LIST Ramsar Wetlands data set contains boundaries of the 10 existing sites in the State of Tasmania included in the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance as follows:Moulting Lagoon; Logan Lagoon; Lavinia; Pittwater-Orielton Lagoon; Apsley Marshes; East Coast-Cape Barren Island Lagoons; Flood Plain Lower Ringarooma River; Jocks Lagoon; Interlaken; Little Waterhouse Lake. Sites are attributed with a name, Central Plan Register (CPR) number, and REFCODE3 which is its unique reference number listed in 'A Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia'. LIST Ramsar Wetlands are a layer of The LIST Cadastral Area. Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: The LIST Boundary Segment is a straight line, arc, topographic feature, meridian or parallel that is used to build the various polygon datasets derived from the LIST CadArea (Cadastral Area) table within The LIST Cadastral Datamodel. This dataset is not intended to be used independently of LIST Cadastral datasets but may be of use in conjunction with these to ascertain the origin of a line or lines of a high order of accuracy. Boundary Segments may represent the boundaries of any one or a combination of the following polygon datasets derived from the CadArea table:Authority Parcels, Private Parcels, Leases, Licences, Casements, Easements and ReservesBoundary Segments are not classified according to the polygon they have been used to create. A boundary segment may be used to create more than one polygon. Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: The Water Districts data set contains the boundaries of Water Districts proclaimed under the Water Management Act 1999. The data set is made up of 5 categories of Water Districts. These are Irrigation Districts, Drainage Districts, Riverworks Districts, Hydro-Electric Districts & Water Supply Districts. Not all Water Supply Districts are included at this stage.
Description: Cadastral Plan Points holds points representing the location of plans lodged in the Land Titles Office, Deeds Office, Office of the Surveyor General (Survey Office) and Central Plan Register. Points are attributed with the plan reference, plan authority and source. Cadastral Plan Points is intended as an approximate index to the location of these plans and surveys and also as a key reference for the LIST Survey Search Tool. This data is incomplete and may contain errors.
Description: Water Management Regions contain Water Catchment polygons. These Water Catchments are attributed with their catchment name and number, and the number of the Water Management Region that they form part of. Water Management Regions support the administration of the Water Management Act 1999. Catchment boundaries extend to High Water mark and generally follow watersheds. Water Management Regions are not intended to portray Tasmania's Water Catchment areas. Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: The LIST Address Points contains the authoritative geocoded address points for properties in Tasmania which have been allocated a street number component. For urban properties and rural addressed properties with an area of 1 hectare or less, the address point will correspond to the property centroid. For rural addressed properties with an area greater than 1 hectare, the address point will be placed at a measured distance along a road determined from the rural address value, and offset 50 metres at right angles from the road centreline. The offset will position the address point on the correct side of the road. The Address Points dataset is attributed with the Property Identifier Number (PID) and the official Tasmanian property address aligned to AS 4590 standard. Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: The LIST Local Government Reserves are those areas created by subdivision under the Local Government Act and described on the Sealed Plan as follows:Public Open Space, Public Recreation Space, Set Apart for Drainage Purposes, Set Apart for the Public to Enter..., Set Apart for a Public Garden. The Local Government Authority becomes the responsible authority for the management of these reserves upon registration of the Sealed Plan although in some instances, the owner recorded against the title may be still in the subdivider's name. LIST Local Government Reserves are a layer of The LIST Cadastral Area. Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: Future Potential Production Forest land is an administrative category of land created by the Forestry (Rebuilding the Forest Industry) Act 2014. The Act defines the land to which it applies by reference to registered plan (CPR9760). The Future Potential Production Forest Land Dataset is the authoritative source for information on FPPF land. The Future Potential Production Forest data set contains boundaries of all 243 lots dealt with under this Act. Each feature is attributed with Lot number, Area in hectares, Proclamation details & Plan reference Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: A NRM North, Cradle Coast NRM, NRM South and DPIPWE funded project to create a 1: 50 000 digital spatial layer for Tasmanian land use as at summer 2009/2010, attributed to ALUM v7 classifications. The dataset was created from fieldwork, consultation with local experts, vector data sets, databases and 2009/2010 RapidEye imagery which required successive stages of data collection, interpretation, verification and validation for a quality assured final product. Minimal mappable areas varied from 10 ha for mapping at 1:50 000 from RapidEye imagery and less for other datasets used with larger scales. Land use data is used to develop effective responses to national agricultural and natural resource management problems and regional assessments of agricultural productivity and opportunities.
Description: The LIST Easement data set holds spatial areas of land registered as easements on the Second Schedule of the Folio of The Register and described in the Schedule of Easements. Easements include Right of Ways, Drainage Easements, Pipeline Easements, Wayleave Easements and Telegraph Line Reserve Easements. Easements are depicted in a manner to portray only the extent to which a title is burdened by a specific type of easement or easements. LIST Easements are a layer of The LIST Cadastral Area. Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: LIST Authority Land is a subset of the LIST Cadastral Parcels layer. It portrays parcels of land owned, vested or managed by a Commonwealth, State or Local Government Authority or GBE. Categories include Housing Tasmania, Hydro Tasmania, Councils, Education, Forestry Tasmania, TAS Water, Defense etc. Authority Land attributes are the same as for LIST Cadastral parcels and include the authority name, title reference and property identifier (PID). Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.
Description: Dam Permit Locations is created by Water (DPIPWE) from their internal WIMS database to show the locations that dam permits have been applied for. It shows the status of the permit (existing, expired, proposed etc), and if a dam has been constructed, contains pertainent information about that dam.
Description: Dam Permit Locations is created by Water (DPIPWE) from their internal WIMS database to show the locations that dam permits have been applied for. It shows the status of the permit (existing, expired, proposed etc), and if a dam has been constructed, contains pertainent information about that dam.
Description: Dam Permit Locations is created by Water (DPIPWE) from their internal WIMS database to show the locations that dam permits have been applied for. It shows the status of the permit (existing, expired, proposed etc), and if a dam has been constructed, contains pertainent information about that dam.
Description: The LIST Cadastral Parcels is a spatial index of polygons forming Tasmania's Cadastral framework. These polygons have been formed from The LIST Boundary Segments and the layers of Authority Parcel, Casement, Water areas and Private Parcel from The LIST Cadastral Area spatial table within the Cadastral Data Model. Private parcels will represent an entitlement in fee simple. These layers combine to form a single layer of non-overlapping polygons (with the exception of vertical strata titles and user roads) for the whole of Tasmania. Attributes of the Cadastral Parcels include the PID (Property Identifier) and Volume and Folio, which are the key identifiers to the VISTAS (Valuation Information System for Tasmania and TASFOL (Tasmanian Folio of the Register) systems. These systems hold attributes including property details, valuation, ownership, title and address which can be linked to the cadastral area through these identifiers. Please review the LIST Web Services Terms and Conditions "" and Land Tasmania Data Attribution Guidelines "" before using this layer.