| Axial surface trace of major antiform |
| Axial surface trace of major early antiform |
| Axial surface trace of major early overturned antiform |
| Axial surface trace of major early overturned synform |
| Axial surface trace of major early synform |
| Axial surface trace of major later antiform |
| Axial surface trace of major later overturned antiform |
| Axial surface trace of major later synform |
| Axial surface trace of major overturned antiform |
| Axial surface trace of major overturned synform |
| Axial surface trace of major synform |
| Axial trace of major F1 anticline |
| Axial trace of major F1 antiform |
| Axial trace of major F1 syncline |
| Axial trace of major F4 antiform |
| Axial trace of major F4 synform |
| Cartographic Line |
| Crest of remnant old stabilised longitudinal dune |
| Dune crest |
| Fault |
| Geological boundary |
| Intrusive boundary |
| Intrusive boundary along pre-existing fault |
| Intrusive boundary along pre-existing fault with subsequent post-intrusive movement |
| Intrusive boundary along pre-existing fault- downthrown side indicated |
| Intrusive boundary with associated chilled or fine-grained marginal zone in igneous body |
| Limit of glacial smoothing of bedrock |
| Limit of mapping of sub-unit within undifferentiated rock unit |
| Lineament visible in airborne LiDAR data |
| Lineament visible in airborne magnetic and/or radiometric data |
| Lineament visible in airborne magnetic data |
| Lineament visible in airborne radiometric data |
| Lineament visible on aerial photographs |
| Lithological trend line, including bedding trace interpreted from aerial photographs |
| Magnetic gradient or lineament (direction towards lower values indicated) |
| Margin of relict lunette and associated swamp |
| Metamorphic boundary |
| Moraine ridge crest |
| Normal fault (downthrown side indicated) |
| Relative offset indicator for strike-slip fault (sinistral) |
| Relative offset indicator for strike-slip faults (dextral) |
| Scarp |
| Slope break |
| Strike-slip fault (dextral) |
| Strike-slip fault (sinistral) |
| Subsurface geological boundary projected to surface |
| Tectonic foliation trend line |
| Thrust fault |
| Thrust fault (teeth on upper plate) |
| Trace of old sea-cliff related to elevated sealevel of Last Interglacial Stage |
| Transitional geological boundary |
| Trend of older stabilised Holocene beach ridge |
| Trend of relict beach ridge related to regressive strandline of Last Interglacial Stage |
| Unconformable boundary |
| Water |
| Axial surface trace of major antiform |
| Axial surface trace of major fold |
| Axial surface trace of major synform |
| Axial surface trace of overturned major antiform |
| Axial surface trace of overturned major synform |
| Concealed fault |
| Devonian - dolerite dykes - NE Tasmania |
| Fault |
| Fault with relative downthrown side indicated |
| Geological boundary |
| Limit of mapping of sub-unit within undifferentiated rock unit |
| Lithological trend line |
| Precambrian dolerite dykes - NW Tasmania |
| Thrust or reverse fault - teeth on upper plate |
| Wrench fault with relative displacement indicated |
| Debris flow susceptibility Mountain runout 22-12 Q4a |
| Debris flow susceptibility Mountain runout 26-22 Q3 |
| Debris flow susceptibility Mountain runout 30-26 Q2 |
| Debris flow susceptibility Mountain source + runout >30 Q1 |
| Hobart-Glenorchy deep-seated slide susceptibility (Rosetta scenario) |
| Launceston Group slide susceptibility - regression |
| Launceston Group slide susceptibility - runout |
| Launceston Group slide susceptibility, source (large and small) |
| Mapped slides - deep-seated/Launc. Gp, activity unknown |
| Mapped slides - deep-seated/Launc. Gp, recently active |
| Mapped slides - other slides/flows, activity unknown |
| Mapped slides - other slides/flows, recently active |
| Proclaimed - Landslip A areas |
| Proclaimed - Landslip B areas |
| Remaining areas slopes 11-20 degrees |
| Remaining areas slopes >20deg |
| Rockfall susceptibility runout area 30 degrees |
| Rockfall susceptibility source + runout area 34 degrees |
| Shallow slide + flow susceptibility source-high |
| Shallow slide + flow susceptibility source-moderate |