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Legend (Public/NaturalEnvironment)

TASVEG 3.0 (0)
DAC - Eucalyptus amygdalina coastal forest and woodland DAC - Eucalyptus amygdalina coastal forest and woodland
DAD - Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on dolerite DAD - Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on dolerite
DAS - Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on sandstone DAS - Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on sandstone
DAM - Eucalyptus amygdalina forest on mudstone DAM - Eucalyptus amygdalina forest on mudstone
DAZ - Eucalyptus amygdalina inland forest and woodland on Cainozoic deposits DAZ - Eucalyptus amygdalina inland forest and woodland on Cainozoic deposits
DSC - Eucalyptus amygdalina - Eucalyptus obliqua damp sclerophyll forest DSC - Eucalyptus amygdalina - Eucalyptus obliqua damp sclerophyll forest
DBA - Eucalyptus barberi forest and woodland DBA - Eucalyptus barberi forest and woodland
DCO - Eucalyptus coccifera forest and woodland DCO - Eucalyptus coccifera forest and woodland
DCR - Eucalyptus cordata forest DCR - Eucalyptus cordata forest
DDP - Eucalyptus dalrympleana - Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland DDP - Eucalyptus dalrympleana - Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland
DDE - Eucalyptus delegatensis dry forest and woodland DDE - Eucalyptus delegatensis dry forest and woodland
DGL - Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland DGL - Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland
DGW - Eucalyptus gunnii woodland DGW - Eucalyptus gunnii woodland
DMO - Eucalyptus morrisbyi forest and woodland DMO - Eucalyptus morrisbyi forest and woodland
DNI - Eucalyptus nitida dry forest and woodland DNI - Eucalyptus nitida dry forest and woodland
DNF - Eucalyptus nitida Furneaux forest DNF - Eucalyptus nitida Furneaux forest
DOB - Eucalyptus obliqua dry forest DOB - Eucalyptus obliqua dry forest
DOV - Eucalyptus ovata forest and woodland DOV - Eucalyptus ovata forest and woodland
DOW - Eucalyptus ovata heathy woodland DOW - Eucalyptus ovata heathy woodland
DPO - Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland not on dolerite DPO - Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland not on dolerite
DPD - Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland on dolerite DPD - Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland on dolerite
DPE - Eucalyptus perriniana forest and woodland DPE - Eucalyptus perriniana forest and woodland
DPU - Eucalyptus pulchella forest and woodland DPU - Eucalyptus pulchella forest and woodland
DRI - Eucalyptus risdonii forest and woodland DRI - Eucalyptus risdonii forest and woodland
DRO - Eucalyptus rodwayi forest and woodland DRO - Eucalyptus rodwayi forest and woodland
DSO - Eucalyptus sieberi forest and woodland not on granite DSO - Eucalyptus sieberi forest and woodland not on granite
DSG - Eucalyptus sieberi forest and woodland on granite DSG - Eucalyptus sieberi forest and woodland on granite
DTD - Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on dolerite DTD - Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on dolerite
DTG - Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on granite DTG - Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on granite
DTO - Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on sediments DTO - Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on sediments
DVF - Eucalyptus viminalis Furneaux forest and woodland DVF - Eucalyptus viminalis Furneaux forest and woodland
DVG - Eucalyptus viminalis grassy forest and woodland DVG - Eucalyptus viminalis grassy forest and woodland
DVC - Eucalyptus viminalis - Eucalyptus globulus coastal forest and woodland DVC - Eucalyptus viminalis - Eucalyptus globulus coastal forest and woodland
DKW - King Island Eucalypt woodland DKW - King Island Eucalypt woodland
DMW - Midlands woodland complex DMW - Midlands woodland complex
WBR - Eucalyptus brookeriana wet forest WBR - Eucalyptus brookeriana wet forest
WDA - Eucalyptus dalrympleana forest WDA - Eucalyptus dalrympleana forest
WDL - Eucalyptus delegatensis forest over Leptospermum WDL - Eucalyptus delegatensis forest over Leptospermum
WDR - Eucalyptus delegatensis forest over rainforest WDR - Eucalyptus delegatensis forest over rainforest
WDB - Eucalyptus delegatensis forest with broad-leaf shrubs WDB - Eucalyptus delegatensis forest with broad-leaf shrubs
WDU - Eucalyptus delegatensis wet forest (undifferentiated) WDU - Eucalyptus delegatensis wet forest (undifferentiated)
WGK - Eucalyptus globulus King Island forest WGK - Eucalyptus globulus King Island forest
WGL - Eucalyptus globulus wet forest WGL - Eucalyptus globulus wet forest
WNL - Eucalyptus nitida forest over Leptospermum WNL - Eucalyptus nitida forest over Leptospermum
WNR - Eucalyptus nitida forest over rainforest WNR - Eucalyptus nitida forest over rainforest
WNU - Eucalyptus nitida wet forest (undifferentiated) WNU - Eucalyptus nitida wet forest (undifferentiated)
WOL - Eucalyptus obliqua forest over Leptospermum WOL - Eucalyptus obliqua forest over Leptospermum
WOR - Eucalyptus obliqua forest over rainforest WOR - Eucalyptus obliqua forest over rainforest
WOB - Eucalyptus obliqua forest with broad-leaf shrubs WOB - Eucalyptus obliqua forest with broad-leaf shrubs
WOU - Eucalyptus obliqua wet forest (undifferentiated) WOU - Eucalyptus obliqua wet forest (undifferentiated)
WRE - Eucalyptus regnans forest WRE - Eucalyptus regnans forest
WSU - Eucalyptus subcrenulata forest and woodland WSU - Eucalyptus subcrenulata forest and woodland
WVI - Eucalyptus viminalis wet forest WVI - Eucalyptus viminalis wet forest
RPF - Athrotaxis cupressoides - Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest RPF - Athrotaxis cupressoides - Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest
RPW - Athrotaxis cupressoides open woodland RPW - Athrotaxis cupressoides open woodland
RPP - Athrotaxis cupressoides rainforest RPP - Athrotaxis cupressoides rainforest
RKF - Athrotaxis selaginoides - Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest RKF - Athrotaxis selaginoides - Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest
RKP - Athrotaxis selaginoides rainforest RKP - Athrotaxis selaginoides rainforest
RKS - Athrotaxis selaginoides subalpine scrub RKS - Athrotaxis selaginoides subalpine scrub
RCO - Coastal rainforest RCO - Coastal rainforest
RSH - Highland low rainforest and scrub RSH - Highland low rainforest and scrub
RKX - Highland rainforest scrub with dead Athrotaxis selaginoides RKX - Highland rainforest scrub with dead Athrotaxis selaginoides
RHP - Lagarostrobos franklinii rainforest and scrub RHP - Lagarostrobos franklinii rainforest and scrub
RMT - Nothofagus - Atherosperma rainforest RMT - Nothofagus - Atherosperma rainforest
RML - Nothofagus - Leptospermum short rainforest RML - Nothofagus - Leptospermum short rainforest
RMS - Nothofagus - Phyllocladus short rainforest RMS - Nothofagus - Phyllocladus short rainforest
RFS - Nothofagus gunnii rainforest and scrub RFS - Nothofagus gunnii rainforest and scrub
RMU - Nothofagus rainforest (undifferentiated) RMU - Nothofagus rainforest (undifferentiated)
RFE - Rainforest fernland RFE - Rainforest fernland
NAD - Acacia dealbata forest NAD - Acacia dealbata forest
NAR - Acacia melanoxylon forest on rises NAR - Acacia melanoxylon forest on rises
NAF - Acacia melanoxylon swamp forest NAF - Acacia melanoxylon swamp forest
NAL - Allocasuarina littoralis forest NAL - Allocasuarina littoralis forest
NAV - Allocasuarina verticillata forest NAV - Allocasuarina verticillata forest
NBS - Banksia serrata woodland NBS - Banksia serrata woodland
NBA - Bursaria - Acacia woodland and scrub NBA - Bursaria - Acacia woodland and scrub
NCR - Callitris rhomboidea forest NCR - Callitris rhomboidea forest
NLE - Leptospermum forest NLE - Leptospermum forest
NLM - Leptospermum lanigerum - Melaleuca squarrosa swamp forest NLM - Leptospermum lanigerum - Melaleuca squarrosa swamp forest
NLA - Leptospermum scoparium - Acacia mucronata forest NLA - Leptospermum scoparium - Acacia mucronata forest
NME - Melaleuca ericifolia swamp forest NME - Melaleuca ericifolia swamp forest
NLN - Subalpine Leptospermum nitidum woodland NLN - Subalpine Leptospermum nitidum woodland
AHF - Fresh water aquatic herbland AHF - Fresh water aquatic herbland
ASF - Freshwater aquatic sedgeland and rushland ASF - Freshwater aquatic sedgeland and rushland
AHL - Lacustrine herbland AHL - Lacustrine herbland
AHS - Saline aquatic herbland AHS - Saline aquatic herbland
ARS - Saline sedgeland/rushland ARS - Saline sedgeland/rushland
AUS - Saltmarsh (undifferntiated) AUS - Saltmarsh (undifferntiated)
ASS - Succulent saline herbland ASS - Succulent saline herbland
AWU - Wetland (undifferentiated) AWU - Wetland (undifferentiated)
SAL - Acacia longifolia coastal scrub SAL - Acacia longifolia coastal scrub
SBM - Banksia marginata wet scrub SBM - Banksia marginata wet scrub
SBR - Broad-leaf scrub SBR - Broad-leaf scrub
SCH - Coastal heathland SCH - Coastal heathland
SSC - Coastal scrub SSC - Coastal scrub
SCA - Coastal scrub on alkaline sands SCA - Coastal scrub on alkaline sands
SRE - Eastern riparian scrub SRE - Eastern riparian scrub
SED - Eastern scrub on dolerite SED - Eastern scrub on dolerite
SCL - Heathland on calcareous substrates SCL - Heathland on calcareous substrates
SKA - Kunzea ambigua regrowth scrub SKA - Kunzea ambigua regrowth scrub
SLG - Leptospermum glaucescens heathland and scrub SLG - Leptospermum glaucescens heathland and scrub
SLL - Leptospermum lanigerum scrub SLL - Leptospermum lanigerum scrub
SLS - Leptospermum scoparium heathland and scrub SLS - Leptospermum scoparium heathland and scrub
SLW - Leptospermum scrub SLW - Leptospermum scrub
SRF - Leptospermum with rainforest scrub SRF - Leptospermum with rainforest scrub
SMP - Melaleuca pustulata scrub SMP - Melaleuca pustulata scrub
SMM - Melaleuca squamea heathland SMM - Melaleuca squamea heathland
SMR - Melaleuca squarrosa scrub SMR - Melaleuca squarrosa scrub
SRH - Rookery halophytic herbland SRH - Rookery halophytic herbland
SSK - Scrub complex on King Island SSK - Scrub complex on King Island
SSZ - Spray zone coastal complex SSZ - Spray zone coastal complex
SHS - Subalpine heathland SHS - Subalpine heathland
SWR - Western regrowth complex SWR - Western regrowth complex
SSW - Western subalpine scrub SSW - Western subalpine scrub
SWW - Western wet scrub SWW - Western wet scrub
SHW - Wet heathland SHW - Wet heathland
HCH - Alpine coniferous heathland HCH - Alpine coniferous heathland
HCM - Cushion moorland HCM - Cushion moorland
HHE - Eastern alpine heathland HHE - Eastern alpine heathland
HSE - Eastern alpine sedgeland HSE - Eastern alpine sedgeland
HUE - Eastern alpine vegetation (undifferentiated) HUE - Eastern alpine vegetation (undifferentiated)
HHW - Western alpine heathland HHW - Western alpine heathland
HSW - Western alpine sedgeland/herbland HSW - Western alpine sedgeland/herbland
MAP - Alkaline pans MAP - Alkaline pans
MBU - Buttongrass moorland (undifferentiated) MBU - Buttongrass moorland (undifferentiated)
MBS - Buttongrass moorland with emergent shrubs MBS - Buttongrass moorland with emergent shrubs
MBE - Eastern buttongrass moorland MBE - Eastern buttongrass moorland
MGH - Highland grassy sedgeland MGH - Highland grassy sedgeland
MBP - Pure buttongrass moorland MBP - Pure buttongrass moorland
MRR - Restionaceae rushland MRR - Restionaceae rushland
MBR - Sparse buttongrass moorland on slopes MBR - Sparse buttongrass moorland on slopes
MSP - Sphagnum peatland MSP - Sphagnum peatland
MDS - Subalpine Diplarrena latifolia rushland MDS - Subalpine Diplarrena latifolia rushland
MBW - Western buttongrass moorland MBW - Western buttongrass moorland
MSW - Western lowland sedgeland MSW - Western lowland sedgeland
GHC - Coastal grass and herbfield GHC - Coastal grass and herbfield
GPH - Highland Poa grassland GPH - Highland Poa grassland
GCL - Lowland grassland complex GCL - Lowland grassland complex
GSL - Lowland grassy sedgeland GSL - Lowland grassy sedgeland
GPL - Lowland Poa labillardierei grassland GPL - Lowland Poa labillardierei grassland
GTL - Lowland Themeda triandra grassland GTL - Lowland Themeda triandra grassland
GRP - Rockplate grassland GRP - Rockplate grassland
FAG - Agricultural land FAG - Agricultural land
FUM - Extra-urban miscellaneous FUM - Extra-urban miscellaneous
FMG - Marram grassland FMG - Marram grassland
FPE - Permanent easements FPE - Permanent easements
FPL - Plantations for silviculture FPL - Plantations for silviculture
FPF - Pteridium esculentum fernland FPF - Pteridium esculentum fernland
FRG - Regenerating cleared land FRG - Regenerating cleared land
FSM - Spartina marshland FSM - Spartina marshland
FPU - Unverified plantations for silviculture FPU - Unverified plantations for silviculture
FUR - Urban areas FUR - Urban areas
FWU - Weed infestation FWU - Weed infestation
QCS - Coastal slope complex QCS - Coastal slope complex
QCT- Coastal terrace mosaic QCT- Coastal terrace mosaic
QKB - Kelp beds QKB - Kelp beds
QAM - Macquarie alpine mosaic QAM - Macquarie alpine mosaic
QMI - Mire QMI - Mire
QST - Short tussock grassland/rushland with herbs QST - Short tussock grassland/rushland with herbs
QTT - Tall tussock grassland with megaherbs QTT - Tall tussock grassland with megaherbs
ORO - Lichen lithosere ORO - Lichen lithosere
OSM - Sand, mud OSM - Sand, mud
OAQ - Water, sea OAQ - Water, sea
Forest Groups (1)
Other/Unknown Other/Unknown
Eucalypt Low Forest Eucalypt Low Forest
Eucalypt Tall Forest Eucalypt Tall Forest
Rainforest Rainforest
Other Native Forest Other Native Forest
Plantation Hardwood Plantation Hardwood
Plantation Softwood Plantation Softwood
Non-Forest Non-Forest
Threatened Native Vegetation Communities 2020 [TNVC 2020] (2)
1 - Alkaline pans 1 - Alkaline pans
2 - Allocasuarina littoralis forest 2 - Allocasuarina littoralis forest
3 - Athrotaxis cupressoides/Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest 3 - Athrotaxis cupressoides/Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest
4 - Athrotaxis cupressoides open woodland 4 - Athrotaxis cupressoides open woodland
5 - Athrotaxis cupressoides rainforest 5 - Athrotaxis cupressoides rainforest
6 - Athrotaxis selaginoides/Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest 6 - Athrotaxis selaginoides/Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest
7 - Athrotaxis selaginoides rainforest 7 - Athrotaxis selaginoides rainforest
8 - Athrotaxis selaginoides subalpine scrub 8 - Athrotaxis selaginoides subalpine scrub
9 - Banksia marginata wet scrub 9 - Banksia marginata wet scrub
10 - Banksia serrata woodland 10 - Banksia serrata woodland
11 - Callitris rhomboidea forest 11 - Callitris rhomboidea forest
13 - Cushion moorland 13 - Cushion moorland
14 -Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on sandstone 14 -Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on sandstone
15 - Eucalyptus amygdalina inland forest and woodland on cainozoic deposits 15 - Eucalyptus amygdalina inland forest and woodland on cainozoic deposits
16 - Eucalyptus brookeriana wet forest 16 - Eucalyptus brookeriana wet forest
17 - Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland 17 - Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland
18 - Eucalyptus globulus King Island forest 18 - Eucalyptus globulus King Island forest
19 - Eucalyptus morrisbyi forest and woodland 19 - Eucalyptus morrisbyi forest and woodland
20 - Eucalyptus ovata forest and woodland 20 - Eucalyptus ovata forest and woodland
21 - Eucalyptus risdonii forest and woodland 21 - Eucalyptus risdonii forest and woodland
22 - Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on sediments 22 - Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on sediments
23 - Eucalyptus viminalis - Eucalyptus globulus coastal forest and woodland 23 - Eucalyptus viminalis - Eucalyptus globulus coastal forest and woodland
24 - Eucalyptus viminalis Furneaux forest and woodland 24 - Eucalyptus viminalis Furneaux forest and woodland
25 - Eucalyptus viminalis wet forest 25 - Eucalyptus viminalis wet forest
26 - Heathland on calcareous substrates 26 - Heathland on calcareous substrates
27 - Heathland scrub complex at Wingaroo 27 - Heathland scrub complex at Wingaroo
28 - Highland grassy sedgeland 28 - Highland grassy sedgeland
29 - Highland Poa grassland 29 - Highland Poa grassland
30 - Melaleuca ericifolia swamp forest 30 - Melaleuca ericifolia swamp forest
31 - Melaleuca pustulata scrub 31 - Melaleuca pustulata scrub
32 - Notelaea - Pomaderris - Beyeria forest 32 - Notelaea - Pomaderris - Beyeria forest
33 - Rainforest fernland 33 - Rainforest fernland
34 - Riparian scrub 34 - Riparian scrub
35 - Seabird rookery complex 35 - Seabird rookery complex
36 - Sphagnum peatland 36 - Sphagnum peatland
36A - Spray zone coastal complex 36A - Spray zone coastal complex
37 - Subalpine Diplarrena latifolia rushland 37 - Subalpine Diplarrena latifolia rushland
38 - Subalpine Leptospermum nitidum woodland 38 - Subalpine Leptospermum nitidum woodland
39 - Wetlands 39 - Wetlands
Estuarine Catchments (4)
Riverine Catchment (5)
Hobart Stormwater Catchment (6)
Floodplain [LIST 1:250K] (7)
Weather Station [Long term averages] [BOM 1999] (8)
Land Capability (10)
1 1
1+2 1+2
2 2
2+1 2+1
2+3 2+3
3 3
3+2 3+2
3+4 3+4
4 4
4+3 4+3
4+5 4+5
5 5
5+4 5+4
5+6 5+6
6 6
6+5 6+5
6+7 6+7
7 7
7+6 7+6
Species Observations Point (11)
Threatened Flora Threatened Flora
Threatened Fauna Threatened Fauna
Priority Weeds Priority Weeds
Weed management Act Weed management Act
Conservation Significance Flora Conservation Significance Flora
Conservation Significance Fauna Conservation Significance Fauna
Non-threatened Flora Non-threatened Flora
Non - threatened Fauna Non - threatened Fauna
Species Observations Polygon (12)
Threatened Flora Threatened Flora
Threatened Fauna Threatened Fauna
Priority Weeds Priority Weeds
Weed Management Weed Management
Conservation Significance Flora Conservation Significance Flora
Conservation Significance Fauna Conservation Significance Fauna
Non - threatened Flora Non - threatened Flora
Non - threatened Fauna Non - threatened Fauna
Threatened Flora Point (13)
Threatened Fauna Point (14)
Threatened Fauna Line (15)
Threatened Fauna Polygon (16)
Conservation Significance Flora Point (17)
Conservation Significance Flora Line (18)
Conservation Significance Flora Polygon (19)
Conservation Significance Fauna Point (20)
Conservation Significance Fauna Line (21)
Conservation Significance Fauna Polygon (22)
Geoconservation Sites - Interim (23)
Listed Listed
Interim Interim
Geoconservation Sites - Listed (24)
Listed Listed
Geomorphic Polygons - Historic Dune Mobility (25)
Unclassified Unclassified
Fixed - 100% Veg cover Fixed - 100% Veg cover
70 - 100% Veg cover 70 - 100% Veg cover
50 - 70% Veg cover 50 - 70% Veg cover
30 - 50% Veg cover 30 - 50% Veg cover
10 - 30% Veg cover 10 - 30% Veg cover
Mobile - <10% Veg cover Mobile - <10% Veg cover
Geomorphic Polygons - Present Dune Mobility (26)
<Null> <Null>
Unclassified Unclassified
Fixed - 100% Veg cover Fixed - 100% Veg cover
70 - 100% Veg cover 70 - 100% Veg cover
50 - 70% Veg cover 50 - 70% Veg cover
30 - 50% Veg cover 30 - 50% Veg cover
10 - 30% Veg cover 10 - 30% Veg cover
Mobile - <10% Veg cover Mobile - <10% Veg cover
Geomorphic Polygons - Soft Sediment Landforms (27)
Beaches, sandsheets, or cobble Beaches, sandsheets, or cobble
Windblown sands Windblown sands
Dunes undifferentiated Dunes undifferentiated
Foredunes Foredunes
Foredunes, other parallel dunes and beach ridges undiff Foredunes, other parallel dunes and beach ridges undiff
Parallel dunes and old beach ridges Parallel dunes and old beach ridges
Hummock Dunes Hummock Dunes
Transgressive and parabolic dunes Transgressive and parabolic dunes
Backshore / supratidal sediment bodies (undifferentiated) Backshore / supratidal sediment bodies (undifferentiated)
Fluvial deposits Fluvial deposits
Onshore Quaternary marine sediments Onshore Quaternary marine sediments
Intertidal - subtidal sediment bodies undifferentiated Intertidal - subtidal sediment bodies undifferentiated
Notable colluvial deposits undiff Notable colluvial deposits undiff
Geomorphic Lines - Backshore Landforms (28)
00 00
Cliffs Cliffs
Bedrock Bedrock
Dunes and windblown Dunes and windblown
Well drained sediment flats Well drained sediment flats
Marshy sediment flats Marshy sediment flats
Lagoon only (e.g., usually where impounded by low sand spit without dune) Lagoon only (e.g., usually where impounded by low sand spit without dune)
Reclaimed land Reclaimed land
Artificial structures Artificial structures
Slopes of deeply weathered bedrock Slopes of deeply weathered bedrock
Geomorphic Lines - Condition (29)
Unknown Unknown
Highly natural Highly natural
Slightly modified Slightly modified
Significantly modified Significantly modified
Highly modified Highly modified
Geomorphic Lines - Geoconservation Values (30)
Unclassified Unclassified
Highest indicative Highest indicative
Moderately indicative Moderately indicative
Slightly indicative Slightly indicative
Lowest indicative Lowest indicative
Geomorphic Lines - Lower Intertidal Landforms (31)
Rocky Rocky
Sloping sandy bottom Sloping sandy bottom
Intertidal sediment Intertidal sediment
Artificial structures Artificial structures
Same as upper Intertidal Same as upper Intertidal
Geomorphic Lines - Sensitivity (32)
Unclassified Unclassified
High Sensitivity High Sensitivity
Mixed Sensitivity Mixed Sensitivity
Moderate Sensitivity Moderate Sensitivity
Low Sensitivity Low Sensitivity
Geomorphic Lines - Upper Intertidal Landforms (33)
Other Values Other Values
Pending mapping Pending mapping
Cliffs Cliffs
Rocky sloping shoreline Rocky sloping shoreline
Shell, pebble, cobble ('shingle') or boulder (undifferentiated) beach or shoreline Shell, pebble, cobble ('shingle') or boulder (undifferentiated) beach or shoreline
Mixed sandy, shell, cobble ('shingle') or boulder beach Mixed sandy, shell, cobble ('shingle') or boulder beach
Sandy Beach or shoreline Sandy Beach or shoreline
Muddy or silty shoreline Muddy or silty shoreline
Permeable artificial shoreline Permeable artificial shoreline
NRM Region Boundaries (34)
Weeds Watchlist Point (35)
Priority Weeds Priority Weeds
Weeds Management Weeds Management
Weeds Watchlist Lines (36)
Priority Weeds Priority Weeds
Weeds Management Act Weeds Management Act
Weeds Watchlist Polygon (37)
Priority Weeds Priority Weeds
Weeds Management Act Weeds Management Act
Non Threatened Flora Point (38)
Non Threatened Flora Line (39)
Non Threatened Flora Polygon (40)
Non Threatened Fauna Point (41)
Non Threatened Fauna Line (42)
Non Threatened Fauna Polygon (43)
Species Observations Line (44)
Threatened Flora Threatened Flora
Threatened Fauna Threatened Fauna
Priority Weeds Priority Weeds
Weeds Management Act Weeds Management Act
Conservation Significance Flora Conservation Significance Flora
Conservation Significance Fauna Conservation Significance Fauna
Non - Threatened Flora Non - Threatened Flora
Non - Threatened Fauna Non - Threatened Fauna
Threatened Flora Line (45)
Threatened Flora Polygon (46)
Raptor Nests (47)
TASVEG 3.0 Outline and Labels (48)
Tasveg Live (49)
(AAP) Alkaline pans (AAP) Alkaline pans
(AHF) Freshwater aquatic herbland (AHF) Freshwater aquatic herbland
(AHL) Lacustrine herbland (AHL) Lacustrine herbland
(AHS) Saline aquatic herbland (AHS) Saline aquatic herbland
(ARS) Saline sedgeland / rushland (ARS) Saline sedgeland / rushland
(ASF) Fresh water aquatic sedgeland and rushland (ASF) Fresh water aquatic sedgeland and rushland
(ASP) Sphagnum peatland (ASP) Sphagnum peatland
(ASS) Succulent saline herbland (ASS) Succulent saline herbland
(AUS) Saltmarsh (undifferentiated) (AUS) Saltmarsh (undifferentiated)
(AWU) Wetland (undifferentiated) (AWU) Wetland (undifferentiated)
(DAC) Eucalyptus amygdalina coastal forest and woodland (DAC) Eucalyptus amygdalina coastal forest and woodland
(DAD) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on dolerite (DAD) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on dolerite
(DAM) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest on mudstone (DAM) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest on mudstone
(DAS) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on sandstone (DAS) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on sandstone
(DAZ) Eucalyptus amygdalina inland forest and woodland on Cainozoic deposits (DAZ) Eucalyptus amygdalina inland forest and woodland on Cainozoic deposits
(DBA) Eucalyptus barberi forest and woodland (DBA) Eucalyptus barberi forest and woodland
(DCO) Eucalyptus coccifera forest and woodland (DCO) Eucalyptus coccifera forest and woodland
(DCR) Eucalyptus cordata forest (DCR) Eucalyptus cordata forest
(DDE) Eucalyptus delegatensis dry forest and woodland (DDE) Eucalyptus delegatensis dry forest and woodland
(DDP) Eucalyptus dalrympleana - Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland (DDP) Eucalyptus dalrympleana - Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland
(DGL) Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland (DGL) Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland
(DGW) Eucalyptus gunnii woodland (DGW) Eucalyptus gunnii woodland
(DKW) King Island Eucalypt woodland (DKW) King Island Eucalypt woodland
(DMO) Eucalyptus morrisbyi forest and woodland (DMO) Eucalyptus morrisbyi forest and woodland
(DMW) Midlands woodland complex (DMW) Midlands woodland complex
(DNF) Eucalyptus nitida Furneaux forest (DNF) Eucalyptus nitida Furneaux forest
(DNI) Eucalyptus nitida dry forest and woodland (DNI) Eucalyptus nitida dry forest and woodland
(DOB) Eucalyptus obliqua dry forest (DOB) Eucalyptus obliqua dry forest
(DOV) Eucalyptus ovata forest and woodland (DOV) Eucalyptus ovata forest and woodland
(DOW) Eucalyptus ovata heathy woodland (DOW) Eucalyptus ovata heathy woodland
(DPD) Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland on dolerite (DPD) Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland on dolerite
(DPE) Eucalyptus perriniana forest and woodland (DPE) Eucalyptus perriniana forest and woodland
(DPO) Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland not on dolerite (DPO) Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland not on dolerite
(DPU) Eucalyptus pulchella forest and woodland (DPU) Eucalyptus pulchella forest and woodland
(DRI) Eucalyptus risdonii forest and woodland (DRI) Eucalyptus risdonii forest and woodland
(DRO) Eucalyptus rodwayi forest and woodland (DRO) Eucalyptus rodwayi forest and woodland
(DSC) Eucalyptus amygdalina - Eucalyptus obliqua damp sclerophyll forest (DSC) Eucalyptus amygdalina - Eucalyptus obliqua damp sclerophyll forest
(DSG) Eucalyptus sieberi forest and woodland on granite (DSG) Eucalyptus sieberi forest and woodland on granite
(DSO) Eucalyptus sieberi forest and woodland not on granite (DSO) Eucalyptus sieberi forest and woodland not on granite
(DTD) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on dolerite (DTD) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on dolerite
(DTG) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on granite (DTG) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on granite
(DTO) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on sediments (DTO) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on sediments
(DVC) Eucalyptus viminalis - Eucalyptus globulus coastal forest and woodland (DVC) Eucalyptus viminalis - Eucalyptus globulus coastal forest and woodland
(DVF) Eucalyptus viminalis Furneaux forest and woodland (DVF) Eucalyptus viminalis Furneaux forest and woodland
(DVG) Eucalyptus viminalis grassy forest and woodland (DVG) Eucalyptus viminalis grassy forest and woodland
(FAC) Improved pasture with native tree canopy (FAC) Improved pasture with native tree canopy
(FAG) Agricultural land (FAG) Agricultural land
(FMG) Marram grassland (FMG) Marram grassland
(FPE) Permanent easements (FPE) Permanent easements
(FPF) Pteridium esculentum fernland (FPF) Pteridium esculentum fernland
(FPH) Plantations for silviculture - hardwood (FPH) Plantations for silviculture - hardwood
(FPL) Plantations for silviculture (FPL) Plantations for silviculture
(FPS) Plantations for silviculture - softwood (FPS) Plantations for silviculture - softwood
(FPU) Unverified plantations for silviculture (FPU) Unverified plantations for silviculture
(FRG) Regenerating cleared land (FRG) Regenerating cleared land
(FSM) Spartina marshland (FSM) Spartina marshland
(FUM) Extra-urban miscellaneous (FUM) Extra-urban miscellaneous
(FUR) Urban areas (FUR) Urban areas
(FWU) Weed infestation (FWU) Weed infestation
(GCL) Lowland grassland complex (GCL) Lowland grassland complex
(GHC) Coastal grass and herbfield (GHC) Coastal grass and herbfield
(GPH) Highland Poa grassland (GPH) Highland Poa grassland
(GPL) Lowland Poa labillardierei grassland (GPL) Lowland Poa labillardierei grassland
(GRP) Rockplate grassland (GRP) Rockplate grassland
(GSL) Lowland grassy sedgeland (GSL) Lowland grassy sedgeland
(GTL) Lowland Themeda triandra grassland (GTL) Lowland Themeda triandra grassland
(HCH) Alpine coniferous heathland (HCH) Alpine coniferous heathland
(HCM) Cushion moorland (HCM) Cushion moorland
(HHE) Eastern alpine heathland (HHE) Eastern alpine heathland
(HHW) Western alpine heathland (HHW) Western alpine heathland
(HSE) Eastern alpine sedgeland (HSE) Eastern alpine sedgeland
(HSW) Western alpine sedgeland/herbland (HSW) Western alpine sedgeland/herbland
(HUE) Eastern alpine vegetation (undifferentiated) (HUE) Eastern alpine vegetation (undifferentiated)
(MBE) Eastern buttongrass moorland (MBE) Eastern buttongrass moorland
(MBP) Pure buttongrass moorland (MBP) Pure buttongrass moorland
(MBR) Sparse buttongrass moorland on slopes (MBR) Sparse buttongrass moorland on slopes
(MBS) Buttongrass moorland with emergent shrubs (MBS) Buttongrass moorland with emergent shrubs
(MBU) Buttongrass moorland (undifferentiated) (MBU) Buttongrass moorland (undifferentiated)
(MBW) Western buttongrass moorland (MBW) Western buttongrass moorland
(MDS) Subalpine Diplarrena latifolia rushland (MDS) Subalpine Diplarrena latifolia rushland
(MGH) Highland grassy sedgeland (MGH) Highland grassy sedgeland
(MRR) Restionaceae rushland (MRR) Restionaceae rushland
(MSW) Western lowland sedgeland (MSW) Western lowland sedgeland
(NAD) Acacia dealbata forest (NAD) Acacia dealbata forest
(NAF) Acacia melanoxylon swamp forest (NAF) Acacia melanoxylon swamp forest
(NAL) Allocasuarina littoralis forest (NAL) Allocasuarina littoralis forest
(NAR) Acacia melanoxylon forest on rises (NAR) Acacia melanoxylon forest on rises
(NAV) Allocasuarina verticillata forest (NAV) Allocasuarina verticillata forest
(NBA) Bursaria - Acacia woodland (NBA) Bursaria - Acacia woodland
(NBS) Banksia serrata woodland (NBS) Banksia serrata woodland
(NCR) Callitris rhomboidea forest (NCR) Callitris rhomboidea forest
(NLA) Leptospermum scoparium - Acacia mucronata forest (NLA) Leptospermum scoparium - Acacia mucronata forest
(NLE) Leptospermum forest (NLE) Leptospermum forest
(NLM) Leptospermum lanigerum - Melaleuca squarrosa swamp forest (NLM) Leptospermum lanigerum - Melaleuca squarrosa swamp forest
(NLN) Subalpine Leptospermum nitidum woodland (NLN) Subalpine Leptospermum nitidum woodland
(NME) Melaleuca ericifolia swamp forest (NME) Melaleuca ericifolia swamp forest
(OAQ) Water, sea (OAQ) Water, sea
(ORO) Lichen lithosere (ORO) Lichen lithosere
(OSM) Sand, mud (OSM) Sand, mud
(RCO) Coastal rainforest (RCO) Coastal rainforest
(RFE) Rainforest fernland (RFE) Rainforest fernland
(RFS) Nothofagus gunnii rainforest scrub (RFS) Nothofagus gunnii rainforest scrub
(RHP) Lagarostrobos franklinii rainforest and scrub (RHP) Lagarostrobos franklinii rainforest and scrub
(RKF) Athrotaxis selaginoides - Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest (RKF) Athrotaxis selaginoides - Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest
(RKP) Athrotaxis selaginoides rainforest (RKP) Athrotaxis selaginoides rainforest
(RKS) Athrotaxis selaginoides subalpine scrub (RKS) Athrotaxis selaginoides subalpine scrub
(RKX) Highland rainforest scrub with dead Athrotaxis selaginoides (RKX) Highland rainforest scrub with dead Athrotaxis selaginoides
(RML) Nothofagus - Leptospermum short rainforest (RML) Nothofagus - Leptospermum short rainforest
(RMS) Nothofagus - Phyllocladus short rainforest (RMS) Nothofagus - Phyllocladus short rainforest
(RMT) Nothofagus - Atherosperma rainforest (RMT) Nothofagus - Atherosperma rainforest
(RMU) Nothofagus rainforest (undifferentiated) (RMU) Nothofagus rainforest (undifferentiated)
(RPF) Athrotaxis cupressoides - Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest (RPF) Athrotaxis cupressoides - Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest
(RPP) Athrotaxis cupressoides rainforest (RPP) Athrotaxis cupressoides rainforest
(RPW) Athrotaxis cupressoides open woodland (RPW) Athrotaxis cupressoides open woodland
(RSH) Highland low rainforest and scrub (RSH) Highland low rainforest and scrub
(SAL) Acacia longifolia coastal scrub (SAL) Acacia longifolia coastal scrub
(SBM) Banksia marginata wet scrub (SBM) Banksia marginata wet scrub
(SBR) Broad-leaf scrub (SBR) Broad-leaf scrub
(SCA) Coastal scrub on alkaline sands (SCA) Coastal scrub on alkaline sands
(SCH) Coastal heathland (SCH) Coastal heathland
(SCL) Heathland on calcareous substrates (SCL) Heathland on calcareous substrates
(SED) Eastern scrub on dolerite (SED) Eastern scrub on dolerite
(SHS) Subalpine heathland (SHS) Subalpine heathland
(SHW) Wet heathland (SHW) Wet heathland
(SKA) Kunzea ambigua regrowth scrub (SKA) Kunzea ambigua regrowth scrub
(SLG) Leptospermum glaucescens heathland and scrub (SLG) Leptospermum glaucescens heathland and scrub
(SLL) Leptospermum lanigerum scrub (SLL) Leptospermum lanigerum scrub
(SLS) Leptospermum scoparium heathland and scrub (SLS) Leptospermum scoparium heathland and scrub
(SLW) Leptospermum scrub (SLW) Leptospermum scrub
(SMM) Melaleuca squamea heathland (SMM) Melaleuca squamea heathland
(SMP) Melaleuca pustulata scrub (SMP) Melaleuca pustulata scrub
(SMR) Melaleuca squarrosa scrub (SMR) Melaleuca squarrosa scrub
(SRE) Eastern riparian scrub (SRE) Eastern riparian scrub
(SRF) Leptospermum with rainforest scrub (SRF) Leptospermum with rainforest scrub
(SRH) Rookery halophytic herbland (SRH) Rookery halophytic herbland
(SSC) Coastal scrub (SSC) Coastal scrub
(SSK) Scrub complex on King Island (SSK) Scrub complex on King Island
(SSW) Western subalpine scrub (SSW) Western subalpine scrub
(SSZ) Spray zone coastal complex (SSZ) Spray zone coastal complex
(SWR) Western regrowth complex (SWR) Western regrowth complex
(SWW) Western wet scrub (SWW) Western wet scrub
(WBR) Eucalyptus brookeriana wet forest (WBR) Eucalyptus brookeriana wet forest
(WDA) Eucalyptus dalrympleana forest (WDA) Eucalyptus dalrympleana forest
(WDB) Eucalyptus delegatensis forest with broad-leaf shrubs (WDB) Eucalyptus delegatensis forest with broad-leaf shrubs
(WDL) Eucalyptus delegatensis forest over Leptospermum (WDL) Eucalyptus delegatensis forest over Leptospermum
(WDR) Eucalyptus delegatensis forest over rainforest (WDR) Eucalyptus delegatensis forest over rainforest
(WDU) Eucalyptus delegatensis wet forest (undifferentiated) (WDU) Eucalyptus delegatensis wet forest (undifferentiated)
(WGK) Eucalyptus globulus King Island forest (WGK) Eucalyptus globulus King Island forest
(WGL) Eucalyptus globulus wet forest (WGL) Eucalyptus globulus wet forest
(WNL) Eucalyptus nitida forest over Leptospermum (WNL) Eucalyptus nitida forest over Leptospermum
(WNR) Eucalyptus nitida forest over rainforest (WNR) Eucalyptus nitida forest over rainforest
(WNU) Eucalyptus nitida wet forest (undifferentiated) (WNU) Eucalyptus nitida wet forest (undifferentiated)
(WOB) Eucalyptus obliqua forest with broad-leaf shrubs (WOB) Eucalyptus obliqua forest with broad-leaf shrubs
(WOL) Eucalyptus obliqua forest over Leptospermum (WOL) Eucalyptus obliqua forest over Leptospermum
(WOR) Eucalyptus obliqua forest over rainforest (WOR) Eucalyptus obliqua forest over rainforest
(WOU) Eucalyptus obliqua wet forest (undifferentiated) (WOU) Eucalyptus obliqua wet forest (undifferentiated)
(WRE) Eucalyptus regnans forest (WRE) Eucalyptus regnans forest
(WSU) Eucalyptus subcrenulata forest and woodland (WSU) Eucalyptus subcrenulata forest and woodland
(WVI) Eucalyptus viminalis wet forest (WVI) Eucalyptus viminalis wet forest
Tasveg Live Outline and Labels (50)
CFEV Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems [GDEs] (51)
CFEV Rivers - Integrated Conservation Value (52)
Very High Very High
High High
Medium Medium
Low Low
Artificial drainage Artificial drainage
CFEV Catchments (53)
CFEV Estuaries - Integrated Conservation Value (54)
Very High Very High
High High
Medium Medium
CFEV Karst - Integrated Conservation Value (55)
Very High Very High
High High
Medium Medium
CFEV River Section Catchments [RSCs] (56)
CFEV Saltmarshes - Integrated Conservation Value (57)
Very High Very High
High High
Medium Medium
CFEV Sub-catchments (58)
CFEV Waterbodies - Integrated Conservation Value (59)
Very High Very High
High High
Medium Medium
Low Low
CFEV Wetlands - Integrated Conservation Value (60)
Very High Very High
High High
Medium Medium
Low Low
TASVEG 3.0 Groups (61)
Agricultural, urban and exotic vegetation Agricultural, urban and exotic vegetation
Dry eucalypt forest and woodland Dry eucalypt forest and woodland
Highland and treeless vegetation Highland and treeless vegetation
Moorland, sedgeland, rushland and peatland Moorland, sedgeland, rushland and peatland
Native grassland Native grassland
Non eucalypt forest and woodland Non eucalypt forest and woodland
Other natural environments Other natural environments
Rainforest and related scrub Rainforest and related scrub
Saltmarsh and wetland Saltmarsh and wetland
Scrub, heathland and coastal complexes Scrub, heathland and coastal complexes
Wet eucalypt forest and woodland Wet eucalypt forest and woodland
Macquarie Island vegetation Macquarie Island vegetation
Geoconservation Sites - Interim [Outlines] (62)
Geoconservation Sites - Listed [Outlines] (63)
Wood Heaters per 250 sq m (64)
0 0
1 - 5 1 - 5
6 - 10 6 - 10
11 - 15 11 - 15
16 - 20 16 - 20
21 - 25 21 - 25
26 - 30 26 - 30
31 - 35 31 - 35
Open Fires per 250 sq m (65)
0 0
0 - 0.25 0 - 0.25
0.25 - 0.5 0.25 - 0.5
0.5 - 0.75 0.5 - 0.75
0.75 - 1 0.75 - 1
1.0 - 1.5 1.0 - 1.5
1.5- 2.5 1.5- 2.5
2.5 - 3.5 2.5 - 3.5
3.5 - 4.5 3.5 - 4.5
EPA Regulated Sites [Documents] (74)
Contaminated Sites (Currently Regulated) Contaminated Sites (Currently Regulated)
Extractive Industries Extractive Industries
Food Production and Animal and Plant Processing Food Production and Animal and Plant Processing
Fuel Burning Fuel Burning
Manufacturing and Mineral Processing Manufacturing and Mineral Processing
Materials Handling Materials Handling
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
Other Other
Petroleum and Chemical Activities Petroleum and Chemical Activities
Waste Treatment and Disposal Waste Treatment and Disposal
Wastewater Treatment Wastewater Treatment
Wind Energy Wind Energy
Wedge-tailed Eagle Nesting Habitat - High [above 700 m] Elevation Model (75)
0 - Low Likelihood 0 - Low Likelihood
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 - High Likelihood 9 - High Likelihood
Wedge-tailed Eagle Nesting Habitat - Low [under 850 m] Elevation Model (76)
0 - Low Likelihood 0 - Low Likelihood
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 - High Likelihood 8 - High Likelihood
Wedge-tailed Eagle Nesting Habitat - North West Model (77)
0 - Low Likelihood 0 - Low Likelihood
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 - High Likelihood 9 - High Likelihood
EPA Aquatic Ecosystem DGVs for Surface Water Catchments (79)
Land Systems of Tasmania (82)
TASVEG 4.0 Groups (84)
Dry eucalypt forest and woodland Dry eucalypt forest and woodland
Highland and treeless vegetation Highland and treeless vegetation
Modified land Modified land
Moorland, sedgeland and rushland Moorland, sedgeland and rushland
Native grassland Native grassland
Non eucalypt forest and woodland Non eucalypt forest and woodland
Other natural environments Other natural environments
Rainforest and related scrub Rainforest and related scrub
Saltmarsh and wetland Saltmarsh and wetland
Scrub, heathland and coastal complexes Scrub, heathland and coastal complexes
Wet eucalypt forest and woodland Wet eucalypt forest and woodland
TASVEG 4.0 (85)
(AAP) Alkaline pans (AAP) Alkaline pans
(AHF) Freshwater aquatic herbland (AHF) Freshwater aquatic herbland
(AHL) Lacustrine herbland (AHL) Lacustrine herbland
(AHS) Saline aquatic herbland (AHS) Saline aquatic herbland
(ARS) Saline sedgeland / rushland (ARS) Saline sedgeland / rushland
(ASF) Fresh water aquatic sedgeland and rushland (ASF) Fresh water aquatic sedgeland and rushland
(ASP) Sphagnum peatland (ASP) Sphagnum peatland
(ASS) Succulent saline herbland (ASS) Succulent saline herbland
(AUS) Saltmarsh (undifferentiated) (AUS) Saltmarsh (undifferentiated)
(AWU) Wetland (undifferentiated) (AWU) Wetland (undifferentiated)
(DAC) Eucalyptus amygdalina coastal forest and woodland (DAC) Eucalyptus amygdalina coastal forest and woodland
(DAD) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on dolerite (DAD) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on dolerite
(DAM) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest on mudstone (DAM) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest on mudstone
(DAS) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on sandstone (DAS) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on sandstone
(DAZ) Eucalyptus amygdalina inland forest and woodland on Cainozoic deposits (DAZ) Eucalyptus amygdalina inland forest and woodland on Cainozoic deposits
(DBA) Eucalyptus barberi forest and woodland (DBA) Eucalyptus barberi forest and woodland
(DCO) Eucalyptus coccifera forest and woodland (DCO) Eucalyptus coccifera forest and woodland
(DCR) Eucalyptus cordata forest (DCR) Eucalyptus cordata forest
(DDE) Eucalyptus delegatensis dry forest and woodland (DDE) Eucalyptus delegatensis dry forest and woodland
(DDP) Eucalyptus dalrympleana - Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland (DDP) Eucalyptus dalrympleana - Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland
(DGL) Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland (DGL) Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland
(DGW) Eucalyptus gunnii woodland (DGW) Eucalyptus gunnii woodland
(DKW) King Island Eucalypt woodland (DKW) King Island Eucalypt woodland
(DMO) Eucalyptus morrisbyi forest and woodland (DMO) Eucalyptus morrisbyi forest and woodland
(DMW) Midlands woodland complex (DMW) Midlands woodland complex
(DNF) Eucalyptus nitida Furneaux forest (DNF) Eucalyptus nitida Furneaux forest
(DNI) Eucalyptus nitida dry forest and woodland (DNI) Eucalyptus nitida dry forest and woodland
(DOB) Eucalyptus obliqua dry forest (DOB) Eucalyptus obliqua dry forest
(DOV) Eucalyptus ovata forest and woodland (DOV) Eucalyptus ovata forest and woodland
(DOW) Eucalyptus ovata heathy woodland (DOW) Eucalyptus ovata heathy woodland
(DPD) Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland on dolerite (DPD) Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland on dolerite
(DPE) Eucalyptus perriniana forest and woodland (DPE) Eucalyptus perriniana forest and woodland
(DPO) Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland not on dolerite (DPO) Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland not on dolerite
(DPU) Eucalyptus pulchella forest and woodland (DPU) Eucalyptus pulchella forest and woodland
(DRI) Eucalyptus risdonii forest and woodland (DRI) Eucalyptus risdonii forest and woodland
(DRO) Eucalyptus rodwayi forest and woodland (DRO) Eucalyptus rodwayi forest and woodland
(DSC) Eucalyptus amygdalina - Eucalyptus obliqua damp sclerophyll forest (DSC) Eucalyptus amygdalina - Eucalyptus obliqua damp sclerophyll forest
(DSG) Eucalyptus sieberi forest and woodland on granite (DSG) Eucalyptus sieberi forest and woodland on granite
(DSO) Eucalyptus sieberi forest and woodland not on granite (DSO) Eucalyptus sieberi forest and woodland not on granite
(DTD) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on dolerite (DTD) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on dolerite
(DTG) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on granite (DTG) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on granite
(DTO) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on sediments (DTO) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on sediments
(DVC) Eucalyptus viminalis - Eucalyptus globulus coastal forest and woodland (DVC) Eucalyptus viminalis - Eucalyptus globulus coastal forest and woodland
(DVF) Eucalyptus viminalis Furneaux forest and woodland (DVF) Eucalyptus viminalis Furneaux forest and woodland
(DVG) Eucalyptus viminalis grassy forest and woodland (DVG) Eucalyptus viminalis grassy forest and woodland
(FAC) Improved pasture with native tree canopy (FAC) Improved pasture with native tree canopy
(FAG) Agricultural land (FAG) Agricultural land
(FMG) Marram grassland (FMG) Marram grassland
(FPE) Permanent easements (FPE) Permanent easements
(FPF) Pteridium esculentum fernland (FPF) Pteridium esculentum fernland
(FPH) Plantations for silviculture - hardwood (FPH) Plantations for silviculture - hardwood
(FPS) Plantations for silviculture - softwood (FPS) Plantations for silviculture - softwood
(FPU) Unverified plantations for silviculture (FPU) Unverified plantations for silviculture
(FRG) Regenerating cleared land (FRG) Regenerating cleared land
(FSM) Spartina marshland (FSM) Spartina marshland
(FUM) Extra-urban miscellaneous (FUM) Extra-urban miscellaneous
(FUR) Urban areas (FUR) Urban areas
(FWU) Weed infestation (FWU) Weed infestation
(GCL) Lowland grassland complex (GCL) Lowland grassland complex
(GHC) Coastal grass and herbfield (GHC) Coastal grass and herbfield
(GPH) Highland Poa grassland (GPH) Highland Poa grassland
(GPL) Lowland Poa labillardierei grassland (GPL) Lowland Poa labillardierei grassland
(GRP) Rockplate grassland (GRP) Rockplate grassland
(GSL) Lowland grassy sedgeland (GSL) Lowland grassy sedgeland
(GTL) Lowland Themeda triandra grassland (GTL) Lowland Themeda triandra grassland
(HCH) Alpine coniferous heathland (HCH) Alpine coniferous heathland
(HCM) Cushion moorland (HCM) Cushion moorland
(HHE) Eastern alpine heathland (HHE) Eastern alpine heathland
(HHW) Western alpine heathland (HHW) Western alpine heathland
(HSE) Eastern alpine sedgeland (HSE) Eastern alpine sedgeland
(HSW) Western alpine sedgeland/herbland (HSW) Western alpine sedgeland/herbland
(HUE) Eastern alpine vegetation (undifferentiated) (HUE) Eastern alpine vegetation (undifferentiated)
(MBE) Eastern buttongrass moorland (MBE) Eastern buttongrass moorland
(MBP) Pure buttongrass moorland (MBP) Pure buttongrass moorland
(MBR) Sparse buttongrass moorland on slopes (MBR) Sparse buttongrass moorland on slopes
(MBS) Buttongrass moorland with emergent shrubs (MBS) Buttongrass moorland with emergent shrubs
(MBU) Buttongrass moorland (undifferentiated) (MBU) Buttongrass moorland (undifferentiated)
(MBW) Western buttongrass moorland (MBW) Western buttongrass moorland
(MDS) Subalpine Diplarrena latifolia rushland (MDS) Subalpine Diplarrena latifolia rushland
(MGH) Highland grassy sedgeland (MGH) Highland grassy sedgeland
(MRR) Restionaceae rushland (MRR) Restionaceae rushland
(MSW) Western lowland sedgeland (MSW) Western lowland sedgeland
(NAD) Acacia dealbata forest (NAD) Acacia dealbata forest
(NAF) Acacia melanoxylon swamp forest (NAF) Acacia melanoxylon swamp forest
(NAL) Allocasuarina littoralis forest (NAL) Allocasuarina littoralis forest
(NAR) Acacia melanoxylon forest on rises (NAR) Acacia melanoxylon forest on rises
(NAV) Allocasuarina verticillata forest (NAV) Allocasuarina verticillata forest
(NBA) Bursaria - Acacia woodland (NBA) Bursaria - Acacia woodland
(NBS) Banksia serrata woodland (NBS) Banksia serrata woodland
(NCR) Callitris rhomboidea forest (NCR) Callitris rhomboidea forest
(NLA) Leptospermum scoparium - Acacia mucronata forest (NLA) Leptospermum scoparium - Acacia mucronata forest
(NLE) Leptospermum forest (NLE) Leptospermum forest
(NLM) Leptospermum lanigerum - Melaleuca squarrosa swamp forest (NLM) Leptospermum lanigerum - Melaleuca squarrosa swamp forest
(NLN) Subalpine Leptospermum nitidum woodland (NLN) Subalpine Leptospermum nitidum woodland
(NME) Melaleuca ericifolia swamp forest (NME) Melaleuca ericifolia swamp forest
(OAQ) Water, sea (OAQ) Water, sea
(ORO) Lichen lithosere (ORO) Lichen lithosere
(OSM) Sand, mud (OSM) Sand, mud
(RCO) Coastal rainforest (RCO) Coastal rainforest
(RFE) Rainforest fernland (RFE) Rainforest fernland
(RFS) Nothofagus gunnii rainforest scrub (RFS) Nothofagus gunnii rainforest scrub
(RHP) Lagarostrobos franklinii rainforest and scrub (RHP) Lagarostrobos franklinii rainforest and scrub
(RKF) Athrotaxis selaginoides - Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest (RKF) Athrotaxis selaginoides - Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest
(RKP) Athrotaxis selaginoides rainforest (RKP) Athrotaxis selaginoides rainforest
(RKS) Athrotaxis selaginoides subalpine scrub (RKS) Athrotaxis selaginoides subalpine scrub
(RKX) Highland rainforest scrub with dead Athrotaxis selaginoides (RKX) Highland rainforest scrub with dead Athrotaxis selaginoides
(RML) Nothofagus - Leptospermum short rainforest (RML) Nothofagus - Leptospermum short rainforest
(RMS) Nothofagus - Phyllocladus short rainforest (RMS) Nothofagus - Phyllocladus short rainforest
(RMT) Nothofagus - Atherosperma rainforest (RMT) Nothofagus - Atherosperma rainforest
(RMU) Nothofagus rainforest (undifferentiated) (RMU) Nothofagus rainforest (undifferentiated)
(RPF) Athrotaxis cupressoides - Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest (RPF) Athrotaxis cupressoides - Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest
(RPP) Athrotaxis cupressoides rainforest (RPP) Athrotaxis cupressoides rainforest
(RPW) Athrotaxis cupressoides open woodland (RPW) Athrotaxis cupressoides open woodland
(RSH) Highland low rainforest and scrub (RSH) Highland low rainforest and scrub
(SAL) Acacia longifolia coastal scrub (SAL) Acacia longifolia coastal scrub
(SBM) Banksia marginata wet scrub (SBM) Banksia marginata wet scrub
(SBR) Broad-leaf scrub (SBR) Broad-leaf scrub
(SCA) Coastal scrub on alkaline sands (SCA) Coastal scrub on alkaline sands
(SCH) Coastal heathland (SCH) Coastal heathland
(SCL) Heathland on calcareous substrates (SCL) Heathland on calcareous substrates
(SED) Eastern scrub on dolerite (SED) Eastern scrub on dolerite
(SHS) Subalpine heathland (SHS) Subalpine heathland
(SHW) Wet heathland (SHW) Wet heathland
(SKA) Kunzea ambigua regrowth scrub (SKA) Kunzea ambigua regrowth scrub
(SLG) Leptospermum glaucescens heathland and scrub (SLG) Leptospermum glaucescens heathland and scrub
(SLL) Leptospermum lanigerum scrub (SLL) Leptospermum lanigerum scrub
(SLS) Leptospermum scoparium heathland and scrub (SLS) Leptospermum scoparium heathland and scrub
(SMM) Melaleuca squamea heathland (SMM) Melaleuca squamea heathland
(SMP) Melaleuca pustulata scrub (SMP) Melaleuca pustulata scrub
(SMR) Melaleuca squarrosa scrub (SMR) Melaleuca squarrosa scrub
(SRE) Eastern riparian scrub (SRE) Eastern riparian scrub
(SRF) Leptospermum with rainforest scrub (SRF) Leptospermum with rainforest scrub
(SRH) Rookery halophytic herbland (SRH) Rookery halophytic herbland
(SSC) Coastal scrub (SSC) Coastal scrub
(SSK) Scrub complex on King Island (SSK) Scrub complex on King Island
(SSW) Western subalpine scrub (SSW) Western subalpine scrub
(SSZ) Spray zone coastal complex (SSZ) Spray zone coastal complex
(SWR) Western regrowth complex (SWR) Western regrowth complex
(SWW) Western wet scrub (SWW) Western wet scrub
(WBR) Eucalyptus brookeriana wet forest (WBR) Eucalyptus brookeriana wet forest
(WDA) Eucalyptus dalrympleana forest (WDA) Eucalyptus dalrympleana forest
(WDB) Eucalyptus delegatensis forest with broad-leaf shrubs (WDB) Eucalyptus delegatensis forest with broad-leaf shrubs
(WDL) Eucalyptus delegatensis forest over Leptospermum (WDL) Eucalyptus delegatensis forest over Leptospermum
(WDR) Eucalyptus delegatensis forest over rainforest (WDR) Eucalyptus delegatensis forest over rainforest
(WDU) Eucalyptus delegatensis wet forest (undifferentiated) (WDU) Eucalyptus delegatensis wet forest (undifferentiated)
(WGK) Eucalyptus globulus King Island forest (WGK) Eucalyptus globulus King Island forest
(WGL) Eucalyptus globulus wet forest (WGL) Eucalyptus globulus wet forest
(WNL) Eucalyptus nitida forest over Leptospermum (WNL) Eucalyptus nitida forest over Leptospermum
(WNR) Eucalyptus nitida forest over rainforest (WNR) Eucalyptus nitida forest over rainforest
(WNU) Eucalyptus nitida wet forest (undifferentiated) (WNU) Eucalyptus nitida wet forest (undifferentiated)
(WOB) Eucalyptus obliqua forest with broad-leaf shrubs (WOB) Eucalyptus obliqua forest with broad-leaf shrubs
(WOL) Eucalyptus obliqua forest over Leptospermum (WOL) Eucalyptus obliqua forest over Leptospermum
(WOR) Eucalyptus obliqua forest over rainforest (WOR) Eucalyptus obliqua forest over rainforest
(WOU) Eucalyptus obliqua wet forest (undifferentiated) (WOU) Eucalyptus obliqua wet forest (undifferentiated)
(WRE) Eucalyptus regnans forest (WRE) Eucalyptus regnans forest
(WSU) Eucalyptus subcrenulata forest and woodland (WSU) Eucalyptus subcrenulata forest and woodland
(WVI) Eucalyptus viminalis wet forest (WVI) Eucalyptus viminalis wet forest
TASVEG 4.0 Outlines and Labels (87)
TASVEG 4.0 Fire Attributes (91)
VH flammability, L sensitivity VH flammability, L sensitivity
H flammability, E sensitivity H flammability, E sensitivity
H flammability, VH sensitivity H flammability, VH sensitivity
H flammability, M sensitivity H flammability, M sensitivity
H flammability, L sensitivity H flammability, L sensitivity
MH flammability, E sensitivity MH flammability, E sensitivity
MH flammability, VH sensitivity MH flammability, VH sensitivity
MH flammability, H sensitivity MH flammability, H sensitivity
MH flammability, M sensitivity MH flammability, M sensitivity
MH flammability, L sensitivity MH flammability, L sensitivity
ML flammability, E sensitivity ML flammability, E sensitivity
ML flammability, VH sensitivity ML flammability, VH sensitivity
ML flammability, H sensitivity ML flammability, H sensitivity
ML flammability, M sensitivity ML flammability, M sensitivity
L flammability, E sensitivity L flammability, E sensitivity
L flammability, VH sensitivity L flammability, VH sensitivity
L flammability, H sensitivity L flammability, H sensitivity
L flammability, L sensitivity L flammability, L sensitivity
N flammability, N sensitivity N flammability, N sensitivity
STT Tasmania Swift Parrot Potential Nesting Habitat (94)
STT Tasmania Swift Parrot Management Zones (93)
Department of Health Recreational Water Sampling Points (96)
Aquatic Birds [NVA] (97)
Derwent Estuary Recreational Values (101)
0 - N/A 0 - N/A
1 - Low 1 - Low
2 - High 2 - High
Derwent Estuary Cultural Values (104)
0 - N/A 0 - N/A
1 - Low 1 - Low
2 - High 2 - High
Derwent Estuary Agricultural Values (103)
0 - N/A 0 - N/A
1 - Low 1 - Low
2 - High 2 - High
Derwent Estuary Combined Values Score (100)
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
Derwent Estuary Weeds (102)
Derwent Estuary Natural Values (106)
0 - Non-Native Vegetation 0 - Non-Native Vegetation
1 - Lowest Priority 1 - Lowest Priority
2 - Low Priority 2 - Low Priority
3 - Moderate Priority 3 - Moderate Priority
4 - High Priority 4 - High Priority