| DAC - Eucalyptus amygdalina coastal forest and woodland |
| DAD - Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on dolerite |
| DAS - Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on sandstone |
| DAM - Eucalyptus amygdalina forest on mudstone |
| DAZ - Eucalyptus amygdalina inland forest and woodland on Cainozoic deposits |
| DSC - Eucalyptus amygdalina - Eucalyptus obliqua damp sclerophyll forest |
| DBA - Eucalyptus barberi forest and woodland |
| DCO - Eucalyptus coccifera forest and woodland |
| DCR - Eucalyptus cordata forest |
| DDP - Eucalyptus dalrympleana - Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland |
| DDE - Eucalyptus delegatensis dry forest and woodland |
| DGL - Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland |
| DGW - Eucalyptus gunnii woodland |
| DMO - Eucalyptus morrisbyi forest and woodland |
| DNI - Eucalyptus nitida dry forest and woodland |
| DNF - Eucalyptus nitida Furneaux forest |
| DOB - Eucalyptus obliqua dry forest |
| DOV - Eucalyptus ovata forest and woodland |
| DOW - Eucalyptus ovata heathy woodland |
| DPO - Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland not on dolerite |
| DPD - Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland on dolerite |
| DPE - Eucalyptus perriniana forest and woodland |
| DPU - Eucalyptus pulchella forest and woodland |
| DRI - Eucalyptus risdonii forest and woodland |
| DRO - Eucalyptus rodwayi forest and woodland |
| DSO - Eucalyptus sieberi forest and woodland not on granite |
| DSG - Eucalyptus sieberi forest and woodland on granite |
| DTD - Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on dolerite |
| DTG - Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on granite |
| DTO - Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on sediments |
| DVF - Eucalyptus viminalis Furneaux forest and woodland |
| DVG - Eucalyptus viminalis grassy forest and woodland |
| DVC - Eucalyptus viminalis - Eucalyptus globulus coastal forest and woodland |
| DKW - King Island Eucalypt woodland |
| DMW - Midlands woodland complex |
| WBR - Eucalyptus brookeriana wet forest |
| WDA - Eucalyptus dalrympleana forest |
| WDL - Eucalyptus delegatensis forest over Leptospermum |
| WDR - Eucalyptus delegatensis forest over rainforest |
| WDB - Eucalyptus delegatensis forest with broad-leaf shrubs |
| WDU - Eucalyptus delegatensis wet forest (undifferentiated) |
| WGK - Eucalyptus globulus King Island forest |
| WGL - Eucalyptus globulus wet forest |
| WNL - Eucalyptus nitida forest over Leptospermum |
| WNR - Eucalyptus nitida forest over rainforest |
| WNU - Eucalyptus nitida wet forest (undifferentiated) |
| WOL - Eucalyptus obliqua forest over Leptospermum |
| WOR - Eucalyptus obliqua forest over rainforest |
| WOB - Eucalyptus obliqua forest with broad-leaf shrubs |
| WOU - Eucalyptus obliqua wet forest (undifferentiated) |
| WRE - Eucalyptus regnans forest |
| WSU - Eucalyptus subcrenulata forest and woodland |
| WVI - Eucalyptus viminalis wet forest |
| RPF - Athrotaxis cupressoides - Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest |
| RPW - Athrotaxis cupressoides open woodland |
| RPP - Athrotaxis cupressoides rainforest |
| RKF - Athrotaxis selaginoides - Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest |
| RKP - Athrotaxis selaginoides rainforest |
| RKS - Athrotaxis selaginoides subalpine scrub |
| RCO - Coastal rainforest |
| RSH - Highland low rainforest and scrub |
| RKX - Highland rainforest scrub with dead Athrotaxis selaginoides |
| RHP - Lagarostrobos franklinii rainforest and scrub |
| RMT - Nothofagus - Atherosperma rainforest |
| RML - Nothofagus - Leptospermum short rainforest |
| RMS - Nothofagus - Phyllocladus short rainforest |
| RFS - Nothofagus gunnii rainforest and scrub |
| RMU - Nothofagus rainforest (undifferentiated) |
| RFE - Rainforest fernland |
| NAD - Acacia dealbata forest |
| NAR - Acacia melanoxylon forest on rises |
| NAF - Acacia melanoxylon swamp forest |
| NAL - Allocasuarina littoralis forest |
| NAV - Allocasuarina verticillata forest |
| NBS - Banksia serrata woodland |
| NBA - Bursaria - Acacia woodland and scrub |
| NCR - Callitris rhomboidea forest |
| NLE - Leptospermum forest |
| NLM - Leptospermum lanigerum - Melaleuca squarrosa swamp forest |
| NLA - Leptospermum scoparium - Acacia mucronata forest |
| NME - Melaleuca ericifolia swamp forest |
| NLN - Subalpine Leptospermum nitidum woodland |
| AHF - Fresh water aquatic herbland |
| ASF - Freshwater aquatic sedgeland and rushland |
| AHL - Lacustrine herbland |
| AHS - Saline aquatic herbland |
| ARS - Saline sedgeland/rushland |
| AUS - Saltmarsh (undifferntiated) |
| ASS - Succulent saline herbland |
| AWU - Wetland (undifferentiated) |
| SAL - Acacia longifolia coastal scrub |
| SBM - Banksia marginata wet scrub |
| SBR - Broad-leaf scrub |
| SCH - Coastal heathland |
| SSC - Coastal scrub |
| SCA - Coastal scrub on alkaline sands |
| SRE - Eastern riparian scrub |
| SED - Eastern scrub on dolerite |
| SCL - Heathland on calcareous substrates |
| SKA - Kunzea ambigua regrowth scrub |
| SLG - Leptospermum glaucescens heathland and scrub |
| SLL - Leptospermum lanigerum scrub |
| SLS - Leptospermum scoparium heathland and scrub |
| SLW - Leptospermum scrub |
| SRF - Leptospermum with rainforest scrub |
| SMP - Melaleuca pustulata scrub |
| SMM - Melaleuca squamea heathland |
| SMR - Melaleuca squarrosa scrub |
| SRH - Rookery halophytic herbland |
| SSK - Scrub complex on King Island |
| SSZ - Spray zone coastal complex |
| SHS - Subalpine heathland |
| SWR - Western regrowth complex |
| SSW - Western subalpine scrub |
| SWW - Western wet scrub |
| SHW - Wet heathland |
| HCH - Alpine coniferous heathland |
| HCM - Cushion moorland |
| HHE - Eastern alpine heathland |
| HSE - Eastern alpine sedgeland |
| HUE - Eastern alpine vegetation (undifferentiated) |
| HHW - Western alpine heathland |
| HSW - Western alpine sedgeland/herbland |
| MAP - Alkaline pans |
| MBU - Buttongrass moorland (undifferentiated) |
| MBS - Buttongrass moorland with emergent shrubs |
| MBE - Eastern buttongrass moorland |
| MGH - Highland grassy sedgeland |
| MBP - Pure buttongrass moorland |
| MRR - Restionaceae rushland |
| MBR - Sparse buttongrass moorland on slopes |
| MSP - Sphagnum peatland |
| MDS - Subalpine Diplarrena latifolia rushland |
| MBW - Western buttongrass moorland |
| MSW - Western lowland sedgeland |
| GHC - Coastal grass and herbfield |
| GPH - Highland Poa grassland |
| GCL - Lowland grassland complex |
| GSL - Lowland grassy sedgeland |
| GPL - Lowland Poa labillardierei grassland |
| GTL - Lowland Themeda triandra grassland |
| GRP - Rockplate grassland |
| FAG - Agricultural land |
| FUM - Extra-urban miscellaneous |
| FMG - Marram grassland |
| FPE - Permanent easements |
| FPL - Plantations for silviculture |
| FPF - Pteridium esculentum fernland |
| FRG - Regenerating cleared land |
| FSM - Spartina marshland |
| FPU - Unverified plantations for silviculture |
| FUR - Urban areas |
| FWU - Weed infestation |
| QCS - Coastal slope complex |
| QCT- Coastal terrace mosaic |
| QKB - Kelp beds |
| QAM - Macquarie alpine mosaic |
| QMI - Mire |
| QST - Short tussock grassland/rushland with herbs |
| QTT - Tall tussock grassland with megaherbs |
| ORO - Lichen lithosere |
| OSM - Sand, mud |
| OAQ - Water, sea |
| 1 - Alkaline pans |
| 2 - Allocasuarina littoralis forest |
| 3 - Athrotaxis cupressoides/Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest |
| 4 - Athrotaxis cupressoides open woodland |
| 5 - Athrotaxis cupressoides rainforest |
| 6 - Athrotaxis selaginoides/Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest |
| 7 - Athrotaxis selaginoides rainforest |
| 8 - Athrotaxis selaginoides subalpine scrub |
| 9 - Banksia marginata wet scrub |
| 10 - Banksia serrata woodland |
| 11 - Callitris rhomboidea forest |
| 13 - Cushion moorland |
| 14 -Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on sandstone |
| 15 - Eucalyptus amygdalina inland forest and woodland on cainozoic deposits |
| 16 - Eucalyptus brookeriana wet forest |
| 17 - Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland |
| 18 - Eucalyptus globulus King Island forest |
| 19 - Eucalyptus morrisbyi forest and woodland |
| 20 - Eucalyptus ovata forest and woodland |
| 21 - Eucalyptus risdonii forest and woodland |
| 22 - Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on sediments |
| 23 - Eucalyptus viminalis - Eucalyptus globulus coastal forest and woodland |
| 24 - Eucalyptus viminalis Furneaux forest and woodland |
| 25 - Eucalyptus viminalis wet forest |
| 26 - Heathland on calcareous substrates |
| 27 - Heathland scrub complex at Wingaroo |
| 28 - Highland grassy sedgeland |
| 29 - Highland Poa grassland |
| 30 - Melaleuca ericifolia swamp forest |
| 31 - Melaleuca pustulata scrub |
| 32 - Notelaea - Pomaderris - Beyeria forest |
| 33 - Rainforest fernland |
| 34 - Riparian scrub |
| 35 - Seabird rookery complex |
| 36 - Sphagnum peatland |
| 36A - Spray zone coastal complex |
| 37 - Subalpine Diplarrena latifolia rushland |
| 38 - Subalpine Leptospermum nitidum woodland |
| 39 - Wetlands |
| (AAP) Alkaline pans |
| (AHF) Freshwater aquatic herbland |
| (AHL) Lacustrine herbland |
| (AHS) Saline aquatic herbland |
| (ARS) Saline sedgeland / rushland |
| (ASF) Fresh water aquatic sedgeland and rushland |
| (ASP) Sphagnum peatland |
| (ASS) Succulent saline herbland |
| (AUS) Saltmarsh (undifferentiated) |
| (AWU) Wetland (undifferentiated) |
| (DAC) Eucalyptus amygdalina coastal forest and woodland |
| (DAD) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on dolerite |
| (DAM) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest on mudstone |
| (DAS) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on sandstone |
| (DAZ) Eucalyptus amygdalina inland forest and woodland on Cainozoic deposits |
| (DBA) Eucalyptus barberi forest and woodland |
| (DCO) Eucalyptus coccifera forest and woodland |
| (DCR) Eucalyptus cordata forest |
| (DDE) Eucalyptus delegatensis dry forest and woodland |
| (DDP) Eucalyptus dalrympleana - Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland |
| (DGL) Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland |
| (DGW) Eucalyptus gunnii woodland |
| (DKW) King Island Eucalypt woodland |
| (DMO) Eucalyptus morrisbyi forest and woodland |
| (DMW) Midlands woodland complex |
| (DNF) Eucalyptus nitida Furneaux forest |
| (DNI) Eucalyptus nitida dry forest and woodland |
| (DOB) Eucalyptus obliqua dry forest |
| (DOV) Eucalyptus ovata forest and woodland |
| (DOW) Eucalyptus ovata heathy woodland |
| (DPD) Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland on dolerite |
| (DPE) Eucalyptus perriniana forest and woodland |
| (DPO) Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland not on dolerite |
| (DPU) Eucalyptus pulchella forest and woodland |
| (DRI) Eucalyptus risdonii forest and woodland |
| (DRO) Eucalyptus rodwayi forest and woodland |
| (DSC) Eucalyptus amygdalina - Eucalyptus obliqua damp sclerophyll forest |
| (DSG) Eucalyptus sieberi forest and woodland on granite |
| (DSO) Eucalyptus sieberi forest and woodland not on granite |
| (DTD) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on dolerite |
| (DTG) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on granite |
| (DTO) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on sediments |
| (DVC) Eucalyptus viminalis - Eucalyptus globulus coastal forest and woodland |
| (DVF) Eucalyptus viminalis Furneaux forest and woodland |
| (DVG) Eucalyptus viminalis grassy forest and woodland |
| (FAC) Improved pasture with native tree canopy |
| (FAG) Agricultural land |
| (FMG) Marram grassland |
| (FPE) Permanent easements |
| (FPF) Pteridium esculentum fernland |
| (FPH) Plantations for silviculture - hardwood |
| (FPL) Plantations for silviculture |
| (FPS) Plantations for silviculture - softwood |
| (FPU) Unverified plantations for silviculture |
| (FRG) Regenerating cleared land |
| (FSM) Spartina marshland |
| (FUM) Extra-urban miscellaneous |
| (FUR) Urban areas |
| (FWU) Weed infestation |
| (GCL) Lowland grassland complex |
| (GHC) Coastal grass and herbfield |
| (GPH) Highland Poa grassland |
| (GPL) Lowland Poa labillardierei grassland |
| (GRP) Rockplate grassland |
| (GSL) Lowland grassy sedgeland |
| (GTL) Lowland Themeda triandra grassland |
| (HCH) Alpine coniferous heathland |
| (HCM) Cushion moorland |
| (HHE) Eastern alpine heathland |
| (HHW) Western alpine heathland |
| (HSE) Eastern alpine sedgeland |
| (HSW) Western alpine sedgeland/herbland |
| (HUE) Eastern alpine vegetation (undifferentiated) |
| (MBE) Eastern buttongrass moorland |
| (MBP) Pure buttongrass moorland |
| (MBR) Sparse buttongrass moorland on slopes |
| (MBS) Buttongrass moorland with emergent shrubs |
| (MBU) Buttongrass moorland (undifferentiated) |
| (MBW) Western buttongrass moorland |
| (MDS) Subalpine Diplarrena latifolia rushland |
| (MGH) Highland grassy sedgeland |
| (MRR) Restionaceae rushland |
| (MSW) Western lowland sedgeland |
| (NAD) Acacia dealbata forest |
| (NAF) Acacia melanoxylon swamp forest |
| (NAL) Allocasuarina littoralis forest |
| (NAR) Acacia melanoxylon forest on rises |
| (NAV) Allocasuarina verticillata forest |
| (NBA) Bursaria - Acacia woodland |
| (NBS) Banksia serrata woodland |
| (NCR) Callitris rhomboidea forest |
| (NLA) Leptospermum scoparium - Acacia mucronata forest |
| (NLE) Leptospermum forest |
| (NLM) Leptospermum lanigerum - Melaleuca squarrosa swamp forest |
| (NLN) Subalpine Leptospermum nitidum woodland |
| (NME) Melaleuca ericifolia swamp forest |
| (OAQ) Water, sea |
| (ORO) Lichen lithosere |
| (OSM) Sand, mud |
| (RCO) Coastal rainforest |
| (RFE) Rainforest fernland |
| (RFS) Nothofagus gunnii rainforest scrub |
| (RHP) Lagarostrobos franklinii rainforest and scrub |
| (RKF) Athrotaxis selaginoides - Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest |
| (RKP) Athrotaxis selaginoides rainforest |
| (RKS) Athrotaxis selaginoides subalpine scrub |
| (RKX) Highland rainforest scrub with dead Athrotaxis selaginoides |
| (RML) Nothofagus - Leptospermum short rainforest |
| (RMS) Nothofagus - Phyllocladus short rainforest |
| (RMT) Nothofagus - Atherosperma rainforest |
| (RMU) Nothofagus rainforest (undifferentiated) |
| (RPF) Athrotaxis cupressoides - Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest |
| (RPP) Athrotaxis cupressoides rainforest |
| (RPW) Athrotaxis cupressoides open woodland |
| (RSH) Highland low rainforest and scrub |
| (SAL) Acacia longifolia coastal scrub |
| (SBM) Banksia marginata wet scrub |
| (SBR) Broad-leaf scrub |
| (SCA) Coastal scrub on alkaline sands |
| (SCH) Coastal heathland |
| (SCL) Heathland on calcareous substrates |
| (SED) Eastern scrub on dolerite |
| (SHS) Subalpine heathland |
| (SHW) Wet heathland |
| (SKA) Kunzea ambigua regrowth scrub |
| (SLG) Leptospermum glaucescens heathland and scrub |
| (SLL) Leptospermum lanigerum scrub |
| (SLS) Leptospermum scoparium heathland and scrub |
| (SLW) Leptospermum scrub |
| (SMM) Melaleuca squamea heathland |
| (SMP) Melaleuca pustulata scrub |
| (SMR) Melaleuca squarrosa scrub |
| (SRE) Eastern riparian scrub |
| (SRF) Leptospermum with rainforest scrub |
| (SRH) Rookery halophytic herbland |
| (SSC) Coastal scrub |
| (SSK) Scrub complex on King Island |
| (SSW) Western subalpine scrub |
| (SSZ) Spray zone coastal complex |
| (SWR) Western regrowth complex |
| (SWW) Western wet scrub |
| (WBR) Eucalyptus brookeriana wet forest |
| (WDA) Eucalyptus dalrympleana forest |
| (WDB) Eucalyptus delegatensis forest with broad-leaf shrubs |
| (WDL) Eucalyptus delegatensis forest over Leptospermum |
| (WDR) Eucalyptus delegatensis forest over rainforest |
| (WDU) Eucalyptus delegatensis wet forest (undifferentiated) |
| (WGK) Eucalyptus globulus King Island forest |
| (WGL) Eucalyptus globulus wet forest |
| (WNL) Eucalyptus nitida forest over Leptospermum |
| (WNR) Eucalyptus nitida forest over rainforest |
| (WNU) Eucalyptus nitida wet forest (undifferentiated) |
| (WOB) Eucalyptus obliqua forest with broad-leaf shrubs |
| (WOL) Eucalyptus obliqua forest over Leptospermum |
| (WOR) Eucalyptus obliqua forest over rainforest |
| (WOU) Eucalyptus obliqua wet forest (undifferentiated) |
| (WRE) Eucalyptus regnans forest |
| (WSU) Eucalyptus subcrenulata forest and woodland |
| (WVI) Eucalyptus viminalis wet forest |
| (AAP) Alkaline pans |
| (AHF) Freshwater aquatic herbland |
| (AHL) Lacustrine herbland |
| (AHS) Saline aquatic herbland |
| (ARS) Saline sedgeland / rushland |
| (ASF) Fresh water aquatic sedgeland and rushland |
| (ASP) Sphagnum peatland |
| (ASS) Succulent saline herbland |
| (AUS) Saltmarsh (undifferentiated) |
| (AWU) Wetland (undifferentiated) |
| (DAC) Eucalyptus amygdalina coastal forest and woodland |
| (DAD) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on dolerite |
| (DAM) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest on mudstone |
| (DAS) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on sandstone |
| (DAZ) Eucalyptus amygdalina inland forest and woodland on Cainozoic deposits |
| (DBA) Eucalyptus barberi forest and woodland |
| (DCO) Eucalyptus coccifera forest and woodland |
| (DCR) Eucalyptus cordata forest |
| (DDE) Eucalyptus delegatensis dry forest and woodland |
| (DDP) Eucalyptus dalrympleana - Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland |
| (DGL) Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland |
| (DGW) Eucalyptus gunnii woodland |
| (DKW) King Island Eucalypt woodland |
| (DMO) Eucalyptus morrisbyi forest and woodland |
| (DMW) Midlands woodland complex |
| (DNF) Eucalyptus nitida Furneaux forest |
| (DNI) Eucalyptus nitida dry forest and woodland |
| (DOB) Eucalyptus obliqua dry forest |
| (DOV) Eucalyptus ovata forest and woodland |
| (DOW) Eucalyptus ovata heathy woodland |
| (DPD) Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland on dolerite |
| (DPE) Eucalyptus perriniana forest and woodland |
| (DPO) Eucalyptus pauciflora forest and woodland not on dolerite |
| (DPU) Eucalyptus pulchella forest and woodland |
| (DRI) Eucalyptus risdonii forest and woodland |
| (DRO) Eucalyptus rodwayi forest and woodland |
| (DSC) Eucalyptus amygdalina - Eucalyptus obliqua damp sclerophyll forest |
| (DSG) Eucalyptus sieberi forest and woodland on granite |
| (DSO) Eucalyptus sieberi forest and woodland not on granite |
| (DTD) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on dolerite |
| (DTG) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on granite |
| (DTO) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on sediments |
| (DVC) Eucalyptus viminalis - Eucalyptus globulus coastal forest and woodland |
| (DVF) Eucalyptus viminalis Furneaux forest and woodland |
| (DVG) Eucalyptus viminalis grassy forest and woodland |
| (FAC) Improved pasture with native tree canopy |
| (FAG) Agricultural land |
| (FMG) Marram grassland |
| (FPE) Permanent easements |
| (FPF) Pteridium esculentum fernland |
| (FPH) Plantations for silviculture - hardwood |
| (FPS) Plantations for silviculture - softwood |
| (FPU) Unverified plantations for silviculture |
| (FRG) Regenerating cleared land |
| (FSM) Spartina marshland |
| (FUM) Extra-urban miscellaneous |
| (FUR) Urban areas |
| (FWU) Weed infestation |
| (GCL) Lowland grassland complex |
| (GHC) Coastal grass and herbfield |
| (GPH) Highland Poa grassland |
| (GPL) Lowland Poa labillardierei grassland |
| (GRP) Rockplate grassland |
| (GSL) Lowland grassy sedgeland |
| (GTL) Lowland Themeda triandra grassland |
| (HCH) Alpine coniferous heathland |
| (HCM) Cushion moorland |
| (HHE) Eastern alpine heathland |
| (HHW) Western alpine heathland |
| (HSE) Eastern alpine sedgeland |
| (HSW) Western alpine sedgeland/herbland |
| (HUE) Eastern alpine vegetation (undifferentiated) |
| (MBE) Eastern buttongrass moorland |
| (MBP) Pure buttongrass moorland |
| (MBR) Sparse buttongrass moorland on slopes |
| (MBS) Buttongrass moorland with emergent shrubs |
| (MBU) Buttongrass moorland (undifferentiated) |
| (MBW) Western buttongrass moorland |
| (MDS) Subalpine Diplarrena latifolia rushland |
| (MGH) Highland grassy sedgeland |
| (MRR) Restionaceae rushland |
| (MSW) Western lowland sedgeland |
| (NAD) Acacia dealbata forest |
| (NAF) Acacia melanoxylon swamp forest |
| (NAL) Allocasuarina littoralis forest |
| (NAR) Acacia melanoxylon forest on rises |
| (NAV) Allocasuarina verticillata forest |
| (NBA) Bursaria - Acacia woodland |
| (NBS) Banksia serrata woodland |
| (NCR) Callitris rhomboidea forest |
| (NLA) Leptospermum scoparium - Acacia mucronata forest |
| (NLE) Leptospermum forest |
| (NLM) Leptospermum lanigerum - Melaleuca squarrosa swamp forest |
| (NLN) Subalpine Leptospermum nitidum woodland |
| (NME) Melaleuca ericifolia swamp forest |
| (OAQ) Water, sea |
| (ORO) Lichen lithosere |
| (OSM) Sand, mud |
| (RCO) Coastal rainforest |
| (RFE) Rainforest fernland |
| (RFS) Nothofagus gunnii rainforest scrub |
| (RHP) Lagarostrobos franklinii rainforest and scrub |
| (RKF) Athrotaxis selaginoides - Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest |
| (RKP) Athrotaxis selaginoides rainforest |
| (RKS) Athrotaxis selaginoides subalpine scrub |
| (RKX) Highland rainforest scrub with dead Athrotaxis selaginoides |
| (RML) Nothofagus - Leptospermum short rainforest |
| (RMS) Nothofagus - Phyllocladus short rainforest |
| (RMT) Nothofagus - Atherosperma rainforest |
| (RMU) Nothofagus rainforest (undifferentiated) |
| (RPF) Athrotaxis cupressoides - Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest |
| (RPP) Athrotaxis cupressoides rainforest |
| (RPW) Athrotaxis cupressoides open woodland |
| (RSH) Highland low rainforest and scrub |
| (SAL) Acacia longifolia coastal scrub |
| (SBM) Banksia marginata wet scrub |
| (SBR) Broad-leaf scrub |
| (SCA) Coastal scrub on alkaline sands |
| (SCH) Coastal heathland |
| (SCL) Heathland on calcareous substrates |
| (SED) Eastern scrub on dolerite |
| (SHS) Subalpine heathland |
| (SHW) Wet heathland |
| (SKA) Kunzea ambigua regrowth scrub |
| (SLG) Leptospermum glaucescens heathland and scrub |
| (SLL) Leptospermum lanigerum scrub |
| (SLS) Leptospermum scoparium heathland and scrub |
| (SMM) Melaleuca squamea heathland |
| (SMP) Melaleuca pustulata scrub |
| (SMR) Melaleuca squarrosa scrub |
| (SRE) Eastern riparian scrub |
| (SRF) Leptospermum with rainforest scrub |
| (SRH) Rookery halophytic herbland |
| (SSC) Coastal scrub |
| (SSK) Scrub complex on King Island |
| (SSW) Western subalpine scrub |
| (SSZ) Spray zone coastal complex |
| (SWR) Western regrowth complex |
| (SWW) Western wet scrub |
| (WBR) Eucalyptus brookeriana wet forest |
| (WDA) Eucalyptus dalrympleana forest |
| (WDB) Eucalyptus delegatensis forest with broad-leaf shrubs |
| (WDL) Eucalyptus delegatensis forest over Leptospermum |
| (WDR) Eucalyptus delegatensis forest over rainforest |
| (WDU) Eucalyptus delegatensis wet forest (undifferentiated) |
| (WGK) Eucalyptus globulus King Island forest |
| (WGL) Eucalyptus globulus wet forest |
| (WNL) Eucalyptus nitida forest over Leptospermum |
| (WNR) Eucalyptus nitida forest over rainforest |
| (WNU) Eucalyptus nitida wet forest (undifferentiated) |
| (WOB) Eucalyptus obliqua forest with broad-leaf shrubs |
| (WOL) Eucalyptus obliqua forest over Leptospermum |
| (WOR) Eucalyptus obliqua forest over rainforest |
| (WOU) Eucalyptus obliqua wet forest (undifferentiated) |
| (WRE) Eucalyptus regnans forest |
| (WSU) Eucalyptus subcrenulata forest and woodland |
| (WVI) Eucalyptus viminalis wet forest |