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Service Description: Land District (County) Charts were working plans used within the Survey Office of the former Lands Department to record the granting and alienation of land. These charts were withdrawn from operation in around 1990. Individual charts were scanned and georeferenced to the current digital cadastral boundaries. An index file was created and used in the process in generating the mosaic to cut out the working sections of individual charts to maximise the amount of useful detail to be preserved when eliminating overlaps. Some border information has been lost from these charts in this process.
Map Name: LandDistrictChart
All Layers and Tables
Description: Land District Chart
Copyright Text: <a href='' target='_blank'>the LIST</a> © State of Tasmania
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: true
Tile Info:
- Height: 256
- Width: 256
- DPI: 96
Levels of Detail: 17
Level ID: 0
[ Start Tile, End Tile ]
- Resolution: 156543.03392800014
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Level ID: 1
[ Start Tile, End Tile ]
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- Scale: 2.95828763795777E8
Level ID: 2
[ Start Tile, End Tile ]
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- Scale: 1.47914381897889E8
Level ID: 3
[ Start Tile, End Tile ]
- Resolution: 19567.87924099992
- Scale: 7.3957190948944E7
Level ID: 4
[ Start Tile, End Tile ]
- Resolution: 9783.93962049996
- Scale: 3.6978595474472E7
Level ID: 5
[ Start Tile, End Tile ]
- Resolution: 4891.96981024998
- Scale: 1.8489297737236E7
- Format: MIXED
- Compression Quality: 75.0
- Origin: X: -2.0037508342787E7
Y: 2.0037508342787E7
- Spatial Reference: 102100
Initial Extent:
XMin: 8253588.705676481
YMin: -6510064.976360908
XMax: 2.556611974207656E7
YMax: 3337885.278570303
Spatial Reference: 102100
Full Extent:
XMin: 1.5615410999897296E7
YMin: -5530996.013003946
XMax: 1.6910747636798106E7
YMax: -4714351.855601691
Spatial Reference: 102100
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
Title: Land District Charts
Comments: Land District (County) Charts were working plans used within the Survey Office of the former Lands Department to record the granting and alienation of land. These charts were withdrawn from operation in around 1990. Individual charts were scanned and georeferenced to the current digital cadastral boundaries. An index file was created and used in the process in generating the mosaic to cut out the working sections of individual charts to maximise the amount of useful detail to be preserved when eliminating overlaps. Some border information has been lost from these charts in this process.
Subject: Land District Charts are the Land District (County) working charts used in the former Lands Department to record the granting and alienation of land.
Keywords: Tasmania,historic,chart,land,district,land district chart
AntialiasingMode: None
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: false
MaxRecordCount: 1000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON
Supports Query Data Elements:
Min Scale: 2.95828763795777E8
Max Scale: 9027.977411
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Supported Operations:
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